+24 vs UW (UPDATED)

Taylor had such a bad game against NU last year that I think he will do everything to make amends for it. 11 carries / 46 yards with two fumbles lost.
It was not his first bad game against NU. In fact NU seems to be the only team he has had bad games against
It was not his first bad game against NU. In fact NU seems to be the only team he has had bad games against
n=2 is a trend?

FWIW in 2017 he ran for 80 yards on just 19 carries and scored 2 TDs. I'd take that production from Bowser this Saturday.
Ah, you guys are killing me. Other than OSU, Wisconsin is the only place in the Big Ten where I haven't personally witnessed a 'Cats road win. 0-5 there to date, and I'd really like to add that scalp to the wall. That giant sucking sound you hear is my enthusiasm for a successful trip up there swirling down the drain. :rolleyes:
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The one hope I have is that they rarely have a scary QB. Russell Wilson, for one year, is the only one this decade that inspired trepidation

If a team is somehow able to stop the run...