Wrassler on the radio this week! ESPN 1000


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2009
Chicago Sports Weekly will have me on the air for my sports psychology/golf psychology. I will be talking about both my books which came out this year. I will be on between 7:30 and 7:50. Saturday morning.
Thanks! I have another radio interview coming up in a few weeks. I hope to get a national tv audience. That will help get the books exposure.
Yes, there is a podcast. Go to espn1000 on the am dial. Click on podcasts. Click on Chicago Sports Weekly. Click on November 3rd. My interview is ten minutes long and is the last interview. Both my books can help athletes with their emotions, both on the field and off the fiield. They are " Emotional Core Therapy" and "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. My number is on my website. or I'm getting some good feedback from golfers and tennis players on my process of quickly indentifying and processing emotions to gain emotional power.
You need to write something about Emotional Core Therapy for the Internet Message Boards. The best case study would be a character named wrestlerone.
The Wrassler character on here is a fictional guy. A combination of Robert DeNiro in the movie "The Fan" and also "The grandiose character in the "Secret Life of Walter Mitty". I have loads of fun on here as folks throw cow dung at me and I hurl, figuratively,horse manure back at them,twice as hard. lol