Ash, Gaines, and Rap our keys to our final four berth this year!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2015
Ash, Gaines and Falzon/not Rap. Typo there. Sorry. Heck, even if we get quality minutes from Rap that would be great. ! We need to go eight deep, at least, to sniff a final four. These three guys off the bench have got to play nearly as good as our starting five if we want to sniff the final four. Our starting five looked very solid last two games, except for minor hiccups with traveling by Pardon and Skelly. We can't have much of a drop off with these three guys.
NU needs scoring from Falzon, Brown, Benson and Gaines. And after watching Purdue, CC better give Benson PT to prepare for Purdue on 12/4. We need his size against Ivan Drago of PU.
Guards were running by Benson all day last week! He will only play ( more than ten minutes a game) if they got a big guy and Pardon needs a rest. Brown will only play(more than 10 minutes) if we are way down and need offensive playmaking asap.
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I think we'll need to go at least 10 deep to win big this year! Hopefully, we won't get as many injuries as we had last year! I still think we'll play better at away games this year moreso than any previous year. I just hope we can get in a groove at AA too!

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