Big Ten Commercial Update


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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Not everyone loves this commercial, but I've always liked it and can appreciate that even with four new teams and a few thousand more miles to cover, they timed it just right.

It is a little weird how it starts though, because I feel like "west is to the left" should be the standard and is throughout the rest of the commercial, but whatever.
Not everyone loves this commercial, but I've always liked it and can appreciate that even with four new teams and a few thousand more miles to cover, they timed it just right.

It is a little weird how it starts though, because I feel like "west is to the left" should be the standard and is throughout the rest of the commercial, but whatever.
I was curious to see it so I clicked on your link even though I know I’m going to see it 2 million times starting next month
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Glad they kept the old vibe but it should have started with Rutgers and gone east to west, ending at the Rose Bowl.

And what’s the opening image? Mount Ranier?! Huh?
Seems a little quick. Barely could see what the different schools details are plus doesn't the view seem further away? I guess there is a strict time limit.
It has to be 30 seconds (precisely) in length.

I thought beginning by coming over the mountain wad consistent with the previous version that went over the Arroyo Seco to show the Rose Bowl before continuing to Nebraska.
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Illinois and Indiana really get the shaft, and Rutgers and Maryland get way too much time.

That said, I still love it and I dispute @SmellyCat’s claim. Everyone who is human, in fact, loves this commercial. Something off if they don’t.

The song is delightful dream pop cut called “Silver Lining” by Guards. What you get in the commercial is just the chorus. I finally looked this up when I feared the commercial was gone forever as hoops season (and my BTN viewing) was winding down.
Had to turn the sound off when watching the clip. Very annoying music, or whatever it is.
^ They brought back the original song after the outcry when they used a different one.

Anyway, here's a similar video on B1G stadiums, but starting on the EC.