I listened to what he said. It was TOTALLY EXPECTED. I mean, how many tmes have you heard a college coach saying something like "you know what, this job I have...I took it as a stepping stone...I plan to put together a string of 2-3 solid seasons, hoping for a bigger/better place with a hefty pay raise".
No coach will EVER say something like that. The vast majority will tell you that whichever job they have it's their dream job, or just about, that they love the place, the atmosphere, the school, etc., etc. It's completely normal. Among other things because they are recruiting year round and want their targets to really believe all that.
That said, I am not insinuating CC is looking to leave. I have no idea. I guess if a big-name school shows serious interest he'd probably listen. It's normal, and he can always say he owes it to his family and kids to do so.
Money is a legitimate consideration, of course. If he is making about $1.5MM and a decent school is offering $2MM that's $0.5MM more EACH year. Over a 5 year period, it adds up to $2.5MM of extra income that he'd give up to stay in Evanston. Would he? Perhaps. But what if the offer is $2.5MM. That's one million extra EVERY year for doing the same job, or possibly a bit easier (admissions, etc). Would he still turn it down? Would you, in a similar spot?
You probably wouldn't, and therefore shouldn't expect him to do so.