Does any bracketologist *not* have NU in?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2005
Somebody previously linked to some bracket aggregator a few weeks ago, but I can't find it.

Reassurance is good. Lou's was a nice start.
I don't know. But all this stuff about how weak the bubble is only leads me to fear the committee getting on TV and saying "all the bubble teams suck this year - so we decided that if they all suck this bad, we should take the hottest sucky teams we can find on the off chance they can actually give somebody a game. That's why we left NU out and let Illinois in instead".

I'm super scared we get dropped in favor of a hot sucky team...
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I don't know. But all this stuff about how weak the bubble is only leads me to fear the committee getting on TV and saying "all the bubble teams suck this year - so we decided that if they all suck this bad, we should take the hottest sucky teams we can find on the off chance they can actually give somebody a game. That's why we left NU out and let Illinois in instead".

I'm super scared we get dropped in favor of a hot sucky team...

When you start really looking at the bubble teams I realize why people still have is comfortably in as of today. Vanderbilt is on half the brackets in the bracket matrix and they're 16-14. TCU and Kansas State are in the mix at 6-10 in the Big 12. Wake Forest is hanging around, and yes, even Illinois isn't that far off right now.
I'll take whatever help we can get. I'd just hate for the committee to say that this is the year they're going to start caring about how teams finish again. Fingers crossed this isn't the year.
Hey, we can still finish hot. Win tonight. Win Sunday, win a few in the BTT. Then we're comfortably in and a team that "no one wants to face right now." A guy can dream!

I know I run the risk of being Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, but I've decided I'm just going to be more optimistic about this team. It goes against three decades of experience, but dammit, I'm a happier man for trying.