End of regulation made me think of the '72 Olympics


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2009
Watching the game on replay since I couldn't see it real time and seeing the sequence of the three inbound attempts at the end of regulation by Michigan made me think of the ironies of basketball history. In today's game, the second attempt may have been five seconds and the third attempt clearly should have been called a travel. It made me think of Chris Collins' Dad's team playing the Soviets in the '72 Olympics. If you have never seen that game, you should find a You Tube of it. The USSR team, trailing by one with about 2 seconds left, seemed to turn the ball over trying to inbound, but were bailed out by the refs for reasons that are obscure to this day. Given a second chance, they made a full court pass to their center, who leveled a U.S. defender with an elbow, gaining an easy catch and layup for the win. At least Chris will have someone to vent his frustrations to!
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