Fitz’s punishment did not fit the crime nor was it reflective of the tremendous positive contribution he made and was continuing to make at NU. NU is certainly not better off without FItz and I am not sure the Athletic Department at NU will ever recover from his loss.
I have waited several days to post my take on this, trying very hard to cool off, to the point to try to have a logical thought process prevail.
Over many threads, I have disagreed with your stance on various issues. We've definitely had a different perspective on
many things.
But I have to say,
I agree 100% with your above statement. By the way, Gary Barnett said the same thing.
I don't think most people on this board, or those associated with the athletic department and university, have really, thoughtfully, considered
the long term effects {that the ill-conceived action(s) and ill-conceived process that was followed}, will have on the unversity and football program.
Schill and Gragg are perfect examples of well educated, well credentialed idiots. This whole situation (every step) was handled by lightweights in the area of expertise and leadership that their position level requires. I was a corporate "C" level officer, so I think I have the chops to make that statement. Neither Schill or Gragg may not know, or have any idea, how much their mishandling has hurt the university and progaram, and how much more it can, and probably, will be hurt.
I'm pretty old, and it pains me to make this statement, but, unfortunately, I think it will turn out to be true - I do not think I will ever see NU footbll return to a respectable level of performance. Even Big 10 membership could be threatened notwithstanding being a charter member.
What so many players, coaches, administraters, and others that worked so hard to build, may never come back - solely because two well educated idiots yielded to outside pressure. They had no idea on how to handle the situation properly, without caving. One of them, thought so little
of the most important day of his career, that he was on a european vacation when he, absolutely, should have been on campus. His actions are indefensible, period.
I do not make little of the charge of "sexual hazing". What I critisize, is the way it was handled. Both the president and AD are in over their heads and should be replaced ASAP - they gave Fitz no quarter, and they deserve none. The monetary damage alone will be staggering. If they both still have a job at NU in 30 days, I will have lost any respect I still have for the university leadership and will NEVER give it another dime.
I am so pi$$ed at the completely ball-less and incompetent decision making "leaders" that I am tempted to dig up my brick in the south endzone plaza.