Fitzphile Here


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Mar 8, 2016
North Carolina
Frankly, I'm disappointed. You could have found a MUCH better screen name that would actually have pissed me off. But I'm on the hoops board now under my new name and lovin' every second of it!

Go Cats!!
Welcome to the real world, Fitzphile. You can thank Mikey and the rest of the crew here for helping you upgrade your image... NJCat was kinda trashy.
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I love the message board bet!! We need more of them. Bring 'em on when I open my big mouth!! It offers something fun and measurable, rather than the never-ending disagreements with a moving bulls eye. It also prevents us from slithering into the corner of agreement when early HUGE, bold statements were so totally wrong (Yes, I'm looking at all the boneheads throughout the Internet who spent most of the year preaching NU had ABSOLUTELY no chance at an NIT, but suddenly see the light.)

It also helps when somebody takes their lumps as reasonably and in such good spirit as NJ ... um, um, I mean, Fitzphile did. Nice job, boys.
I think Mikey needs to make him put a picture of Fitz as his avatar too.

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