Thanks for the story, Lou.
Will play armchair warrior here and say if Brendan Sullivan goes on to take the starting job and settles into that spot for the next few years...then I tip my hat to Fitz and Jake on exhibiting the kind of patience and foresight that we idiot fans obviously lack.
Of also naturally presents a scary proposition that we have two guys fighting for the starting job, one of whom surely has his internal supporters and detractors based on his on-the-field performance last season. Or the frightening prospect of Fitz just grandstanding in hopes of lighting a fire under Hilinski, who isn't showing the progress he wants to see coming out of spring.
Just obviously hope for a clean, clear, and easy decision on the starting job coming out of camp. If we see "1A/1B" or the word "or" in the QB1 depth chart...then I want my money back.