

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
Does anyone really believe that he's a real person? He's obviously a clone of Haas. They didn't even have the creativity to change the first three letters of his name. And they claim he's from "The Netherlands". Yeah, like that's a real place. It's clearly code. Nether meaning lower, under, bottommost. They're barely even trying to hide that he was created in a basement lab on the campus in West Lafayette.

Will the B1G investigate this, or is this just the next step down the slippery slope of college sports?
Does anyone really believe that he's a real person? He's obviously a clone of Haas. They didn't even have the creativity to change the first three letters of his name. And they claim he's from "The Netherlands". Yeah, like that's a real place. It's clearly code. Nether meaning lower, under, bottommost. They're barely even trying to hide that he was created in a basement lab on the campus in West Lafayette.

Will the B1G investigate this, or is this just the next step down the slippery slope of college sports?
One thing I did take away after watching his antics is that he has the lead for Big Ten "Drama Queen".
Dude's like a giant praying mantis. If he ever fills out, how you gonna stop him?
Yes. He scares me more than Haas! And I thought giant centers were becoming unfashionable!?
One thing I'd like CC and the staff to do is to start looking at recruits from overseas (something that the program did to a certain degree in the past), as there have been a growing # of good players (esp. the stretch-4s that CC likes) playing college BB.

Now, don't expect recruits from Australia (which has been a growing source of talent) due to Aussies likely wanting to stick to warmer climes, but certainly Europe.

Maybe hire one of the 'Cats playing over in Europe down the road when their playing days are over?
One thing I'd like CC and the staff to do is to start looking at recruits from overseas (something that the program did to a certain degree in the past), as there have been a growing # of good players (esp. the stretch-4s that CC likes) playing college BB.

Now, don't expect recruits from Australia (which has been a growing source of talent) due to Aussies likely wanting to stick to warmer climes, but certainly Europe.

Maybe hire one of the 'Cats playing over in Europe down the road when their playing days are over?
Was thinking the same thing. Just widen the recruiting net to Europe and beyond. The European players NU previously had were good students as well. Thought had an ex player across the pond with some connections, maybe?
Was thinking the same thing. Just widen the recruiting net to Europe and beyond. The European players NU previously had were good students as well. Thought had an ex player across the pond with some connections, maybe?
I volunteer to fly over there a few times a year (on NU's dime) to start scouting out talent.
Private jet?

Fly to Europe one time in a private jet and I promise you'll long for-big bodied commercial. It sucks to not be able to stand up, stretch your legs and walk around. You crawl out of that little plane like you just went three rounds with Michael Spinks.
Was thinking the same thing. Just widen the recruiting net to Europe and beyond. The European players NU previously had were good students as well. Thought had an ex player across the pond with some connections, maybe?
NU's original man on the ground in Croatia was Patrick Baldwin who has, of course, moved on to bigger things.

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