
Hasn’t most the NBA done so. Used to date a luv a bull back in the day and she told me that there were two types of cheerleaders. One sought a life of wealth and accepted the STDs that followed and the rest that wouldn’t touch those ten foot poles.
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Hasn’t most the NBA done so. Used to date a luv a bull back in the day and she told me that there were two types of cheerleaders. One sought a life of wealth and accepted the STDs that followed and the rest that would touch those ten foot poles.
Which one is dear Lara?
Not to totally downplay this, but probably at least 3/4's of the planet has the herpes virus in them. I would be shocked if she got $1 million out of this.
Not to totally downplay this, but probably at least 3/4's of the planet has the herpes virus in them. I would be shocked if she got $1 million out of this.

This is illogical. Having a form of herpes (your random cold sore, etc) is far different than willing transmitting STDs to people.
Put on a tropical flower shirt and you look like Jimmy Buffet.
Hopefully with more hair. Old Jimmy is giving Terry Bradshaw a run for his money these days.....

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