Harbaugh: One season suspension // Four-Year Show Cause


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Gold Member
Sep 1, 2004
Just venting here, but it's so f'ing frustrating to me that the NCAA imposes symbolic penalties like this that in no way serve as a deterrent for the behavior.

My takeaway from this incident is that Northwestern (any any program that wants to win) should balance ends with means. Lie, cheat, steal - since the death penalty is out the whatever it takes.

I sincerely believe the best deterrent for rulebreaking in the NCAA is to make the school itself 100% culpable for anything the agents (coaches) it chooses to hire to run and rep the program perpetrate. Everyone involved here knew that there would be no serious repercussions - Harbaugh and all the coaches still got (and get to keep) their bonuses, Michigan raises a fortune from boosters celebrating the national championship, and no penalties inhibit their ability to compete in the long or short-term. It was absolutely worth it.

NCAA was declawed after Ped State won their appeals
I think it happened well before that, but Penn State was definitely the affirmation that pretty much nothing a program could realistically do would ever cripple it.
Not through with Harbaugh either, right? Still the spying scandal.

Harbaugh's attorney is a real scumbag. Better to say nothing or to politely disagree with the decision. His attorney's comments make Harbaugh look like a scumbag as well.
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This decision is akin to a police officer becoming indignant because you don’t bow and scrape when pulled over for not coming to a complete stop. The cop then tacks on a “reckless driving” charge just because he can.
I guess I was mistaken. Harbaugh already received his punishment for spy gate.
This decision is akin to a police officer becoming indignant because you don’t bow and scrape when pulled over for not coming to a complete stop. The cop then tacks on a “reckless driving” charge just because he can.
I don't see how that analogy works.
Or even comes close.
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Then I suggest you actually read the report. The verbiage used screams (as the kids say nowadays) “butthurt”.
Just venting here, but it's so f'ing frustrating to me that the NCAA imposes symbolic penalties like this that in no way serve as a deterrent for the behavior.

My takeaway from this incident is that Northwestern (any any program that wants to win) should balance ends with means. Lie, cheat, steal - since the death penalty is out the whatever it takes.

I sincerely believe the best deterrent for rulebreaking in the NCAA is to make the school itself 100% culpable for anything the agents (coaches) it chooses to hire to run and rep the program perpetrate. Everyone involved here knew that there would be no serious repercussions - Harbaugh and all the coaches still got (and get to keep) their bonuses, Michigan raises a fortune from boosters celebrating the national championship, and no penalties inhibit their ability to compete in the long or short-term. It was absolutely worth it.

Maybe it’s just me and I’m too altruistic but one of the main reasons I’m a diehard NU fan is because we've always done it “the right way” and, frankly, we have a moral superiority in this insane era of college athletics where our athletes are actually student-athletes not athletes pretending to be pros. Lie/cheating/stealing would take that away from us and make our victories not as sweet to me. But perhaps I’m goofy.
Maybe it’s just me and I’m too altruistic but one of the main reasons I’m a diehard NU fan is because we've always done it “the right way” and, frankly, we have a moral superiority in this insane era of college athletics where our athletes are actually student-athletes not athletes pretending to be pros. Lie/cheating/stealing would take that away from us and make our victories not as sweet to me. But perhaps I’m goofy.
Of course, you are right. And fortunately, we'll never lie or cheat our asses off to win football games. The "just win, baby!" attitude is just so...disappointing to see. When I look at some of the programs we face on the field, sometimes I feel like we are literally not even playing the same sport.
Of course, you are right. And fortunately, we'll never lie or cheat our asses off to win football games. The "just win, baby!" attitude is just so...disappointing to see. When I look at some of the programs we face on the field, sometimes I feel like we are literally not even playing the same sport.
its not even "Just win, baby." Al Davis is a saint compared to these dirtbags.
These rudderless cretins believe they should cheat or do anything they can to enrich themselves.
As they see it, the only mistake is getting caught AND having to give back the money.
Harbaugh got caught, but he's keeping the money, so he doesn't give a damn.
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I don't even care anymore. I am glad NU doesn't cheat, but the big Ten needed another championship team. I would prefer a few more like the SEC. Auburn, Alabama, LSU, Georgia, Florida have all been champions since 2000.
First, apologies for prolonging this thread, but the Detroit Free Press published extensive reporting with Harbaugh’s (now former) attorney Tom Mara about the process over burger gate and the NCAA. Make no mistake the Free Press and Michigan are polar opposites of Teddy Greenstein and the Tribune towards Northwestern.
It was noted by Brian Cook that the longest “show cause” order levied by the NCAA since Jeremy Pruitt was given 6 years for $60,000 cash paid to recruits (pre/NIL).

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First, apologies for prolonging this thread, but the Detroit Free Press published extensive reporting with Harbaugh’s (now former) attorney Tom Mara about the process over burger gate and the NCAA. Make no mistake the Free Press and Michigan are polar opposites of Teddy Greenstein and the Tribune towards Northwestern.
It was noted by Brian Cook that the longest “show cause” order levied by the NCAA since Jeremy Pruitt was given 6 years for $60,000 cash paid to recruits (pre/NIL).

No need to apologize for posting interesting material.
(Somebody posting "YAWN" on a thread is about as passive aggressive as you can get! Imagine people discussing something on a message board. The dullards can just go somewhere else, I'd hope)
Connor Stallions back on his feet:

Connor Stallions back on his feet:

defensive coordinator on a high school team?
How many times did a bus run over him before that job was offered?