although this team has so much yet to accomplish/prove, I understand Feral's attitude, although things like bowl projections do seem extraneous. I love football season, but for the past 20 games more or less, it has been at least as much dread as anticipation. After the 2013 collapse, even with the 3 highlight victories in 2014, I never really had a lot of confidence that the team would be "successful" (whatever that means).
For instance, I attended last year's PSU game and was quite sure we would lose. It was kind of "expect defeat/hope for victory" all season, which leads to pleasant suprises when you win, but doesn't exactly fill you with confidence for the following week.
Maybe we find out Stanford sux and that we are not that good, but that gusta mucho
I'll be happy to attend any bowl game, I've been humbled by the last two years of home for the holidays