This entire thread is full of "fake news"! One posters opinion is not the "Iowa board going crazy" and very few Iowa fans thought that Iowa would win last night. This team is very young and has shown the huge ups and downs that come from youth, especially on the road. Case in point, Iowa lost the BT opener at Purdue in similar fashion to last nights beat down and then some how beat Purdue Thursday night. Then heads out on the road and looks abysmal in Evanston.
You guys have a very good team that can even win the league if all falls into place as there really is no team that seems invincible this season. Sometimes, I think some of you have so much Iowa hate that you cannot look at these contests for what they are. Simply one team that is much more experienced and executing at a high level vs a young athletic team that had not learned how to get through the rigors of the conference season. Good luck and I would love to see the 'Cats' win the BT this year! One thing for certain is that you are going to the dance!