Is there any real concern that either Alviti or Thorson...

GI Cat

Active Member
Aug 31, 2005
would concern transferring if the other is the clear starter for the next 3 years? I hope not! Yikes!
would concern transferring if the other is the clear starter for the next 3 years? I hope not! Yikes!

I have concern that NU is forever doomed to playing with an injured QB. We haven't had a healthy QB since Persa got injured in the Iowa game.
I remember a brutal performance by Kafka against Indiana and after his brutal attempt to throw a pass, everyone thought we were doomed. I think it was the next week against Minnesota and he was breaking records. When Persa started, sure he could run, but his passing was not good. The next season, he's literally PERFECT against Vanderbilt! Point is both those guys were awesome for the Cat's! Give the guys a chance.
Alviti will play a ton this year as he has the best wheels. We need him to run. Thorsen has a chance to be another Hacklenburg,but with a better line for pass protection.
If Alviti is the backup this season and then transfers, he'll have to sit out 2016 and can play 2017. If he stays for 2016 at NU he can transfer (assuming he graduates) and play in 2017. I'd get the NU degree.
would concern transferring if the other is the clear starter for the next 3 years? I hope not! Yikes!

You should ask Alviti's brother at a game what he thinks about how good he is and whether his brother should transfer. Oh wait, no need for a question; if you just listen closely, you'll hear it whether you want to or not.
would concern transferring if the other is the clear starter for the next 3 years? I hope not! Yikes!

There will be too much serious playing time for the 2nd string guy to force a transfer. IMO, Alviti has the better wheels and will run the option with Jackson/Long/Anderson combos behind him often this season.