Looking at the center position battle between Ian Park and Brad North

lou v

Aug 27, 2004
EVANSTON-Most eyes are on the quarterback battle this spring, but Ian Park and Brad North will be competing for the starting center job this spring, too.

Centers of attention ($)
Actually, Ian has been moved from Center to Guard to Center over the course of his NU career.
Has Park ever looked good or even decent in a game? All I remember is bad.

edit - that is to say, has Park looked good or even decent yet? I am sure there will be improvement...
This post was edited on 2/27 7:05 PM by julescat
While I realize the Big Ten is a long way from high school, I got to watch Park play and also to talk to coaches who coached against him. My (admittedly very amateur) eye test and the things I heard from coaches were about the same: Park is an absolute beast who should be able to play with impact in college. His lack of development has been disappointing.
Originally posted by pittcat90:
While I realize the Big Ten is a long way from high school, I got to watch Park play and also to talk to coaches who coached against him. My (admittedly very amateur) eye test and the things I heard from coaches were about the same: Park is an absolute beast who should be able to play with impact in college. His lack of development has been disappointing.
I agree that he was an excellent HS and physical. I'm not so sure he hasn't developed. Remember he was playing as a RS Freshman. Now he's a RSJunior. He could be considerably better now than he was two years ago. We, as fans, just don't know right now. Let's hope he has improved.
There is a reason good teams try to start juniors and seniors on their offensive line. It's called mental and physical maturity.
Originally posted by Catreporter:

There is a reason good teams try to start juniors and seniors on their offensive line. It's called mental and physical maturity.
This. Very rearely when playing a FR or SO on the line are you getting a prime product. When you do, they are special.
Originally posted by epicbret:

Originally posted by Catreporter:

There is a reason good teams try to start juniors and seniors on their offensive line. It's called mental and physical maturity.
This. Very rearely when playing a FR or SO on the line are you getting a prime product. When you do, they are special.
NU has had a long history of fielding very good centers who started as Freshmen or RSFreshmen going back at least to the 60's. Since the mid 90's: Rob Johnson, Nate Strik (started as a junior), Austin King, Trevor Rees, Burkett, Vitabile, now...?

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