Lou, I know the Rap news is fresh, but we now have two open spots on the 18-19 roster with the Brown and Rap transfers. Anything you are hearing about how the coaches intend to fill those spots? Are they hoping to fill them with two transfers? One transfer and leaving that other spot open for the 2019 class?
Anything you are hearing from your sources would be great to know. Personally, I really hope they fill at least one of those spots with a transfer that can contribute (I know, easier said than done) or we are going to be really playing with fire next year as far as depth goes.
Anything you are hearing from your sources would be great to know. Personally, I really hope they fill at least one of those spots with a transfer that can contribute (I know, easier said than done) or we are going to be really playing with fire next year as far as depth goes.