Miami Tickets

Just 12 seats left on the NU website, and 10 of those are the $495+ variety. Should be a great crowd for the inaugural game lakeside.
That's great to hear! I'm really looking forward to it.

Inigo, I hope we win
I am really looking forward to it. Unfortunately I will miss the next two games because night games are just not an option at this point of my life (twin three-year-olds and I live a good drive from the game).
Good to know. I've been inundated with emails advertising football tickets like no season ever before, seems almost daily. Every time I price the seats, I just nope.'s my question for anyone who knows or feels like engaging in message board speculation:

For parking, we have been assigned to our last choice - the South Garage (which was a bit humbling as a 20-year season ticket holder who donates every year). Assuming tailgating in this space is either very limited or prohibited altogether, am I right that my options are either:

1. Make some new tailgating friends in another lot, or
2. Pay an entry fee just to get into the restricted lawn area where I think pay for food and bev at retail prices, or
3. Not tailgate at all?
Anyone else get a call from the school saying they need to move their season tickets? We are E12, We were offered endzone but we used our priority to get E12 and 50 Yd. Not sure what is going on. If that whole section is out of commission or if they have some big donors who they want to give to. Anyone else E-12?
Anyone else get a call from the school saying they need to move their season tickets? We are E12, We were offered endzone but we used our priority to get E12 and 50 Yd. Not sure what is going on. If that whole section is out of commission or if they have some big donors who they want to give to. Anyone else E-12?

It was posted somewhere in another thread. The jumbotrons are taking up more space than anticipated so they had to relocate some seats

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