Minnesota Blizzard Warnings


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Gold Member
Dec 29, 2005
.. apparently for Northern Minnesota today. Chance of the projected "wintry air mass blasting into Minnesota" heading into Minneapolis and even so would it penetrate the protected field to make weather a factor tomorrow? Maybe it won't just be the receivers wearing gloves?
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.. apparently for Northern Minnesota today. Chance of the projected "wintry air mass blasting into Minnesota" heading into Minneapolis and even so would it penetrate the protected field to make weather a factor tomorrow? Maybe it won't just be the receivers wearing gloves?
The cold air mass is here (arrived last night before I walked the dog). 32 degrees max here tomorrow, partly sunny just before game time, so that will warm things up a bit. Doesn't look like much wind. It is misting here now, and that wasn't predicted, but not expecting snow until early next week, but then this is Minnesota where you are wearing shorts and T one week and down jacket the next.. Should be a decent game day, although cold. If they keep their hands warm and wear those sticky gloves and loosen up well, I believe we will see passing from both teams. Still mostly a ground game, I predict. If the defense stops the Gophers, Cats will win, although something we have not seen for two years.
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