I can't decide which level of hypocrisy I enjoy more:
a) The idea that someone won't "stoop" to read the site but MUST find the board's opinion on the all-important Ethan Happ question, sending some pitiful lemming to read the content, or;
b) Someone in this group would actually criticize others for going out of their way to support ANY coach.
It's pretty obvious you guys are the essence of a childish, chicken-sh*t clique. Can you at least muster up the decency to pass your little notes and yank each other by DM?
a) The idea that someone won't "stoop" to read the site but MUST find the board's opinion on the all-important Ethan Happ question, sending some pitiful lemming to read the content, or;
b) Someone in this group would actually criticize others for going out of their way to support ANY coach.
It's pretty obvious you guys are the essence of a childish, chicken-sh*t clique. Can you at least muster up the decency to pass your little notes and yank each other by DM?