- Extraordinary site with unbelievable views. A once in a lifetime opportunity for NU and the designers.
- Public spaces are pretty cold. The interiors look like a modern art museum coupled with a Chicago downtown office building. No places to loiter. Move along students, get to where you are going! I like the spaces visually but they need to realize this is a University not a train station.
- No comfy seating for lounging around in the cafeteria/study hall, or whatever it is. Definitely cold. Again looks like a Chicago downtown office building. Let some interior designers loose to make the space fun and a gathering place!
- Would have been nice if there was a balcony overlooking the beach although Chicago's weather makes that tough when school is in session. What a place that would be for hitting up alumni for money.
- The building is a wall to the beach and not a part of the beach. As a place to sun in the middle of July-August, don't expect much breeze.
- If they are able to afford the window wall system shown for the field house - frameless, structural glass, extraordinarily expensive - and not cheapen it up with standard Chicago curtainwall (Not that it is cheap either.), the fieldhouse will be spectacular. Nothing will compare.
- I think they missed it on making a signature design statement at the point on the Lake, but, hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion. The architecture seems dated to me and not timeless. However, it looks like they may be doing something interesting with color and, if they do, that could really make for a spectacular site at night with different color lighting effects.
- The guy sitting in the lobby of the Northwestern Athletics offices looks like a young Pat Fitzgerald.
Just observations. We are fortunate to have this great facility.