NU on McAfee

The McAfee Show's Iowa school Ty asked Greeny today about NU football, and Greeny said some pretty nice things about the stadium and Braun for several minute
The link is here, but not sure if it will stay that way once the show ends the live broadcast:

Starts roughly 45 minutes into the show.

Greeny gets asked how he's feeling about the Wildcats, they've seen different photos of the lakeside stadium, what % of the stadium he thinks will be filled this season, and how many games he'll be going to.

Greeny says he tries to make it to 1 game per year, his son is a senior so they'll make it to 1 this year. Comments that NU always fills the building, but it's always been fans of the other team. He thinks that this stadium is going to be a huge advantage, that students will be able to fill the place up, and will give NU something it's historically never had, in a real home field advantage. Said that the 'Cats have been pretty good the last 10 years, gone to a number of bowls, were very good last year and made a bowl game. New coach that everyone is excited about, who took over under impossible conditions, and the season was much better than expected last year. Reiterated that he thinks it's an advantage to play in a smaller stadium where it's not packed with other fans.

Asked about difficulty of kicking in the stadium given the wind next to the lake and the openness of the stadium. Greeny tells a story that when he was a student, there was a little bridge right around where the 25-yard line is, that had ropes you could hold onto so you wouldn't be blown into the lake on a windy day.

That was the segment, then they went back to talking about the NFL.
Every time I see a slide for a McAfee video I think to myself “AJ Hawk is STILL being held hostage!”
The link is here, but not sure if it will stay that way once the show ends the live broadcast:

Starts roughly 45 minutes into the show.

Greeny gets asked how he's feeling about the Wildcats, they've seen different photos of the lakeside stadium, what % of the stadium he thinks will be filled this season, and how many games he'll be going to.

Greeny says he tries to make it to 1 game per year, his son is a senior so they'll make it to 1 this year. Comments that NU always fills the building, but it's always been fans of the other team. He thinks that this stadium is going to be a huge advantage, that students will be able to fill the place up, and will give NU something it's historically never had, in a real home field advantage. Said that the 'Cats have been pretty good the last 10 years, gone to a number of bowls, were very good last year and made a bowl game. New coach that everyone is excited about, who took over under impossible conditions, and the season was much better than expected last year. Reiterated that he thinks it's an advantage to play in a smaller stadium where it's not packed with other fans.

Asked about difficulty of kicking in the stadium given the wind next to the lake and the openness of the stadium. Greeny tells a story that when he was a student, there was a little bridge right around where the 25-yard line is, that had ropes you could hold onto so you wouldn't be blown into the lake on a windy day.

That was the segment, then they went back to talking about the NFL.
Thanks - for those who are interested it’s more like 50 minutes in.