On the Frequency of Field Goal Attempts...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2005
Armed with a bit of data, and stimulated by the question of where Tre ranks among all time NU players for FGA, I used the opportunity of Mrs. Dugan15's book club to come up with these two lists.

N = 63 NU players who have played 1,600 minutes and have accurate minute information. (We lost three players from the analysis since 1978 stats mysteriously do not include minutes played).

Gunners - Minutes on the court per FGA -

1. McKinney - 2:10
2. Lambiotte - 2:18 (That dude could play)
3. Ashbaugh - 2:26
4. Carlisle - 2:28
5. Grose - 2:36 (This sure surprised me)
6. Neloms - 2:37
7. Aaron - 2:37
8. W. Williams - 2:44
9. Shurna - 2:44
10. Demps - 2:47
11. Coble - 2:48

Shy Guys - Minutes on the court per FGA -

1. Drayton - 8:37
2. Lumpkin - 7:50
3. Burke - 6:38
4. J. Ryan - 6:15 (No surprises in the top 4)
5. Schultz - 6:05
6. Watts - 5:44
7. Polite - 5:37 (well named)
8. Duvancic - 5:34
9. Scott - 5:23
10. S. Williams - 5:20


Now, if...and it is a big if...I have time the next couple days, I'll cross tab these figures against eFG% to see how these 63 players fit into the various quadrants of: high-usage high-producers, low-usage effective shooters (feed them more), low-usage poor shooters and the dreaded inefficient gunners.

Your posts are great Dugan. Speaking for myself, they get me off the negative thinking during bad stretches like right now.