OT: Does anyone use Slack?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2005
I posted this on the Rant board, but that conversation devolved into accusations of bullying, race-baiting, and second amendment trutherism (not sure that's a thing).

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks.

Original note:
We've started using Slack at work, mostly to replace email for team communications, file sharing, etc. We're still figuring out what to do with it, though I've found the interface to be appealing and intuitive.

So, Do you use it? In a work environment? How do you use it? What do you use it for?

As I said, on it's face, it's simple and intuitive. My concern is that the lack of 'subject lines' makes it far more difficult to search. I find months'-old emails for reference several times a day. Slack's search function seems lacking, and I'm concerned that old correspondence will be difficult to find.

Anyway, I'd appreciate anybody's thoughts, recommendations, shortcuts, etc.
I don't but our development team uses it and a friend in that area loves it. They use it in place of a Lync-type system as opposed to in place of email. If I see him I'll pick his brain, he's a shortcut maven
It's great in the moment of a major team project because it organizes messages much more effectively and avoids the emailing over each other and inbox apocalypse that occurs when projects are done totally by email. But you identified the thing I like about email, which is being able to figure out six months later who said what and when. Slack does allow you to pin messages and I'm pretty sure there's some way to download the text history of a channel.