OT - MI center retires due to concussion concerns

This continues to heighten my cognitive dissonance and it must be lurking in Fitz's mind somewhere.

Would I enjoy football if it was less concussive/violent? I'm getting closer every year to thinking we should all find out together. Especially on the college level.
I looked up concussions in rugby and it had a table which listed concussions per 1000 man hours and the NFL was 0.2 but horse racing was quite high??? It was from the 2012 concussion Consensus conference.
If I'm reading your post correctly, then rugby concussions occur 1X per 1000 playing hours while NFL concussions are double that rate. Curious what the rate is in college football, as being concussed gets easier after the first time. Believe me, I know. I gave up collegiate play in a non-football sport for similar reasons as Borland and now this center for Michigan. At any rate, assuming this statistic is accurate, I wonder whether one of the of the primary factors is the helmets worn in football. Though accurate record keeping is doubtful, it would be nice to know the concussion rate prior to football's transition away from the leather helmet.
Repeated significant blows to the body can cause the brain to move around inside the skull and result in concussions or concussion like damage. I've include one link, but there are others out there.

Concussion link