OT: RIP Johnny Hockey

Wow...what an awful thing to happen, call a damn Uber if you're drinking. I took a look at the road where they were killed, it's barely two lanes wide with zero shoulder, I have no idea how the guy attempted to pass *on the right side* without going off the road.
What an awful story.

Two-lane highway. Drunk guy passed one guy in the oncoming lane. Tried to pass another, but got blocked by the guy he was trying to pass. So he basically tried to pass on the shoulder, and mowed down two cyclists. Total tragedy.

I’m not sure how all those details are available — I guess the murderer shared them.

I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this but does anyone else get the feeling driving has become almost a 50/50 prospect the last couple of years? I mean I live outside of the city of Atlanta by a good 30-40 minutes so you'd think traffic and the amount of crazies wouldn't be as bad but it's gotten so much worse lately. I am by nature a defensive driver 100% the time I'm behind the wheel and I can tell you how many times I've been almost driven off the road by some idiot either not paying attention (usually on their phone) or are just impatient. Now imagine mixing alcohol into that equation and you basically are committing pre-meditated attempted murder if you end up crashing into someone.

Anyhoo as someone who has played hockey his whole life and follows the NHL very closely this is a huge loss... by and large Johnny was one of the good guys and just a stand up individual... the fact he not only found success at the highest level despite his size but flourished just shows how special a player he really was. R.I.P. Johnny Hockey gone but never forgotten.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this but does anyone else get the feeling driving has become almost a 50/50 prospect the last couple of years? I mean I live outside of the city of Atlanta by a good 30-40 minutes so you'd think traffic and the amount of crazies wouldn't be as bad but it's gotten so much worse lately. I am by nature a defensive driver 100% the time I'm behind the wheel and I can tell you how many times I've been almost driven off the road by some idiot either not paying attention (usually on their phone) or are just impatient. Now imagine mixing alcohol into that equation and you basically are committing pre-meditated attempted murder if you end up crashing into someone.

Anyhoo as someone who has played hockey his whole life and follows the NHL very closely this is a huge loss... by and large Johnny was one of the good guys and just a stand up individual... the fact he not only found success at the highest level despite his size but flourished just shows how special a player he really was. R.I.P. Johnny Hockey gone but never forgotten.
Cars are getting bigger and people in big cars are more aggressive. In fact, the domestic manufacturers have basically phased out “cars”. Pickups are now 20% of new vehicle sales in the United States, and they’re only getting bigger and bigger.

And our pedestrian deaths are at 40-year highs because motorists in huge vehicles can’t see bicyclists and walkers.

Also, North side of Atlanta is about the worst driving in the world. My first month or so, we got stuck in rush hour traffic going from Smyrna to Dunwoody at 315. Bumper to bumper. And this was 2010. Never leave the house between 3 and 7 on the north side. (Life was much better on the south side. +1,000,000 for Newnan.)

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Cars are getting bigger and people in big cars are more aggressive. In fact, the domestic manufacturers have basically phased out “cars”. Pickups are now 20% of new vehicle sales in the United States, and they’re only getting bigger and bigger.

And our pedestrian deaths are at 40-year highs because motorists in huge vehicles can’t see bicyclists and walkers.

Also, North side of Atlanta is about the worst driving in the world. My first month or so, we got stuck in rush hour traffic going from Smyrna to Dunwoody at 315. Bumper to bumper. And this was 2010. Never leave the house between 3 and 7 on the north side. (Life was much better on the south side. +1,000,000 for Newnan.)

I worked in the Dunwoody area more specifically the Perimeter Center area for a number of years... that was back right around 2010 as well and my 25 min trip home during rush hour would take a minimum of and hour and change. Trucks/SUV's are a huge problem down here as far as safety goes but you mix that with the distractions from a smartphone and people who get drunk behind the wheel and the problem just seems to be getting worse.
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