Nebraska coach Tim Miles
First of all, we know Northwestern's staff really well...and those guys have done a great job assembling a good team that fits well together...this is an excellent team, a really hard to beat team...these guys are lucky (coaches) are here...I think the story of the game was Dererk Pardon. We couldn't get him under control...That's twice he's got us....Young kids (centers) had a tough night.
On NU assembling its team: Parts have to fit so sum of those parts make a great whole...they have a floor general in a couple wings that can shoot...(Pardon) is really a strong player...even without Falzon, who would be a nice pick and pop guy for's a nice mix of guys.
Getting it close: We'd get it to 4 and then miss a 1-on-1 or miss a layup...margin is slim...1-for-7 at rim in first half, no transition points in the last 12 minutes.
Against Lindsey: We just paid attention to him. We did a good job on Law for a long time... We did a good job on both of those guys, even though Vic got us for 20. You gotta treat them like Peter Jok.
Pardon: He likes us...We're going to wear black next time because we know he likes red...He's a true center...kept matchup with Jacobson...he really hurt us on the offensive glass.
NU's wings defensively: They're long guys...Sanjay and Pardon can help at the rim...we were a little better tonight...they're length (bothers us) and
Quote of the night: "These guys are a tournament team....they're a good tournament team."
Late 16-1 run and crowd's role: It's amazing the difference since the beginning of my tenure...student body calling me all kinds of new names I didn't know existed...
First of all, we know Northwestern's staff really well...and those guys have done a great job assembling a good team that fits well together...this is an excellent team, a really hard to beat team...these guys are lucky (coaches) are here...I think the story of the game was Dererk Pardon. We couldn't get him under control...That's twice he's got us....Young kids (centers) had a tough night.
On NU assembling its team: Parts have to fit so sum of those parts make a great whole...they have a floor general in a couple wings that can shoot...(Pardon) is really a strong player...even without Falzon, who would be a nice pick and pop guy for's a nice mix of guys.
Getting it close: We'd get it to 4 and then miss a 1-on-1 or miss a layup...margin is slim...1-for-7 at rim in first half, no transition points in the last 12 minutes.
Against Lindsey: We just paid attention to him. We did a good job on Law for a long time... We did a good job on both of those guys, even though Vic got us for 20. You gotta treat them like Peter Jok.
Pardon: He likes us...We're going to wear black next time because we know he likes red...He's a true center...kept matchup with Jacobson...he really hurt us on the offensive glass.
NU's wings defensively: They're long guys...Sanjay and Pardon can help at the rim...we were a little better tonight...they're length (bothers us) and
Quote of the night: "These guys are a tournament team....they're a good tournament team."
Late 16-1 run and crowd's role: It's amazing the difference since the beginning of my tenure...student body calling me all kinds of new names I didn't know existed...