Post-game press conference notes

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Aug 27, 2004
Richard Pitino

Credit Northwestern. They did a lot of good things offensively and we didn't play well. Murphy's foul trouble hurt us tonight.

Did off-court issues hurt you? It certainly seemed like it. That's natural. He took responsibility for that.

Did NU's zone throw you off: Certainly. They didn't play a lot of it. I thought we attacked it better in the second half.

Decision to play Reggie Lynch earlier this year: He went to his bosses and said that he followed the school's policies and procedures.

Overcoming loss of Lynch and Coffey: It's going to take everyone. I told everyone to give me 5 percent more. We played well against Indiana, we seemed angry (about it) tonight. Credit Northwestern.
Chris Collins

Tonight was a night we needed. I was really pleased with the life, the passion. We have to regain our heart, our spirit. We've been working hard on that. We made some changes on the floor (zone, pressure) just to do something new. BMac was mad - he should have had 17 assists if Skelly made a breakaway dunk. You feel for Minnesota - we caught a break not having Coffey and Lynch out there.

No neck tie: Game-time decision. Just something different. Spur of the moment thing.

On playing zone: We've been in a rut. Spirit, passing are important. I haven't seen a lot of that the last couple weeks. It's my responsibility. We thought throwing curve balls with zone and pressure and I thought it worked. It worked tonight but won't all season.

Gaines' big night: He's so athletic. He could get out and run tonight.

Come to Jesus meetings this week: It was about how to regain their heart, their spirit.

Shooting 50%: Partly good offense, partly shots starting to fall that didn't the last couple games. McIntosh was terrific. They found success in the pick-and-roll game. Aaron and Gavin gave the offense spacing - combined for 23 points and 10 rebounds. Scottie was more efficient, took good shots. Main thing: McIntosh managed a brilliant game.
Collins, continued

McIntosh: He was impressed with BMac getting five rebounds. That was really big for us. I'm always on him about rebounds.
Scottie Lindsey

His haircut helped him tonight. "I don't think I've ever played with my hair too low. Maybe I'll keep it like this."

We were very real with each other all week. We put everything out there. We had a great week of practice. That helped us get everything together and prepare for this game.

BMac's assists: It got me going thoughout the game. When they got their pushes (to cut the lead) he found someone for baskets. It was huge tonight.


Getting the record: It's really special. Coach Baldwin and I were really close. BMac was close as a sophomore and Collins pulled him out of the game. It will be good to share it with (Baldwin).

Missed free throw: I've had a hard time in this arena. Maybe I have to kiss the rim or something. I've been thinking about it because I've been shooting so well.

Returning from knee injury: It's a big swing (in emotions). I thought my career here was over. You continue to look at the jersey and realize what a special place I am in. I don't want to take it for granted anymore.

Falzon shooting 3-5 on 3s: Hopefully he continues to feel good about that and build on it.

Defense: Played full-court, 2-3, man. Make teams think, slow down, waste clock. Put them in late-clock situations, which is tough. We played better in the first half. In the second half we got tired and they started making shots.