Remember the Big Ten Forums?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Don't know why but I had an unexpected memory of the Big Ten forums hosted by the conference at its website. Must have been the mid to late 1990s. Holy smokes it was crazy there.
Don't know why but I had an unexpected memory of the Big Ten forums hosted by the conference at its website. Must have been the mid to late 1990s. Holy smokes it was crazy there.

Yes, I remember it. I remember characters like Dr. Doom aka Magneto and Hambadger. And ScriptOhio and GBMS aka GBGS, and Madison. I liked the boards because the interschool rivalry on the boards was much more active. No one ever got banned from opponent boards for playful banter. A lot more laughs on those boards, than the intraschool vitriol frequently displayed here.
I remember them, too. They were a lot of fun. Then some adolescent with serious sexual problems started posting about his fantasies and the Big Ten shut the boards down. Fun while it lasted.