. . . but once you do that, the website doesn't allow you to go back and check on progress with the rest of the seats. I was in Group 2 and I think I'll be happy with my seats, but there are many more of us still waiting in line. I sincerely hope that all of my Wildcat brethren can land seats that they're happy - or at least content - with. Even if you're toward the back of the line, so to speak, I can't imagine too many of us being THAT unhappy with our seats. Some are better than others, of course, but it seems to me there's not a bad seat in the house. The absolute WORST seat in the new Welsh-Ryan will still be closer to the floor than a majority of the seats at the United Center, and at a fraction of the cost (even with the mandatory donations). So good luck, fellas; I hope all of us come away at least reasonably happy with the way this played out.