Senior Night Ceremony-Sad


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Gold Member
Jan 15, 2011
Senior Night and the Northwestern fans leave before ceremony after the game. That is truly sad.
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why was it after the game? That just screams poor planning. I know they have done it like this before but before the game is much better

They decided to do it after the game because they thought there was a better chance for a good crowd immediately after the game, than to hope for early arrivals prior to a 6 p.m. tip on a workday.
They decided to do it after the game because they thought there was a better chance for a good crowd immediately after the game, than to hope for early arrivals prior to 6 p.m. tip on a workday.
BMac said the players wanted to do it after the game to give family members a chance to attend given the early start time for the game.

"Senior ceremony: Seniors chose to do it after the game so parents could be there. Sometimes it's tough to get there at an early tip."
I was there and thought the crowd was decent, many fans stayed. Thought it was a nice ceremony filled with appreciation and applause. Thank you seniors, you put us on the map.
Agreed -- nice ceremony, lots of people stayed. The players got to linger on the court, take family photos, etc., something they couldn't do when the ceremonies were pre-game.
Let's stop taking shots at our student-athletes. College basketball's most winning teams and many others will get exposed shortly. Check out how teams don't ever go through a losing season.

And college basketball as we know it, going down.

MSU, Maryland in the Big 10 implicated. And we know why Miles Bridges stayed one more year. I think this is looking more and more like Izzo's last season.

Also, shocking the blue bloods are implicated, Duke, UK, KU and UNC are included in the FBI investigation. The NCAA tournament this year might have a drastically different feel this year as the main contenders have been exposed for their players being paid.

NU is looking better and better after these bombs explode.
Also, shocking the blue bloods are implicated, Duke, UK, KU and UNC are included in the FBI investigation. The NCAA tournament this year might have a drastically different feel this year as the main contenders have been exposed for their players being paid.

NU is looking better and better after these bombs explode.

You do remember that NU's coach was the associate head coach at Duke for quite some time, yes?
I doubt you'll see any direct lines between the coaches at places like Duke and the corruption fraud. I suspect this will be more about agents (and some assistant coaches) lining up payments directly to players. Most head coaches are smart enough not to get directly involved in these kinds of payoffs -- they just look the other way while they take place. (See Rick Pitino --or, if you want an historical reference, see John Wooden and Sam Gilbert.)
Nice try. Duke was never implicated when CC was there. And he has not been there for the past 5 years.

How about the past couple weeks for Holier than Thou Izzo! Ouch!
Izzo and Villanova coaches listed on the expense report of the agent where a large amount of this information is coming from.
Izzo and Villanova coaches listed on the expense report of the agent where a large amount of this information is coming from.
Interesting. Can't wait to see how all this plays out. I think the NCAA sees the potential for all of this to come crashing down on a very corrupt system that lends itself to black market payments. When the good players aren't getting paid above the table, the chances are very good they are getting paid under it.
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When the good players aren't getting paid above the table, the chance are very good they are getting paid under it.
Paying players will not likely stop the under the table payments. Kids or their families who want the money will take it, in the "more is better" approach to capitalism!!!! Dang!!
Nice try. Duke was never implicated when CC was there. And he has not been there for the past 5 years.

I’m just saying that if you’re going to trumpet NU’s squeaky clean image then you probably shouldn’t be rooting for our coach’s last stop to be implicated in a massive recruiting scandal. Though you’re offering a good preview of the “Duke never did a single thing wrong before the last 5 years!” argument that’ll be all over the place if this does blow up.
Paying players will not likely stop the under the table payments. Kids or their families who want the money will take it, in the "more is better" approach to capitalism!!!! Dang!!
I agree. I guess I'm saying the whole concept of "amateurism" in college athletics is so antiquated and unrealistic, I don't see how it can stand. The European system, where kids who are good enough go pro at an early age and get paid above the table, makes so much more sense than insisting that talented athletes go to classes they don't care about and resist the tiniest "incentive" offered by a booster, all the while their institution is making millions of dollars off their efforts. Just can't see how all of this is sustainable, and ultimately I have to believe universities and taxpayers are going to say, "Okay, this athletic stuff is SO far afield from our original mission, and so out of whack, it's time to get out of the business and let a club or minor league system take its place." I know, not likely to happen tomorrow, but maybe sooner than we think if all the power schools in the NCAA get "outed" through this probe.
I agree. I guess I'm saying the whole concept of "amateurism" in college athletics is so antiquated and unrealistic, I don't see how it can stand. The European system, where kids who are good enough go pro at an early age and get paid above the table, makes so much more sense than insisting that talented athletes go to classes they don't care about and resist the tiniest "incentive" offered by a booster, all the while their institution is making millions of dollars off their efforts. Just can't see how all of this is sustainable, and ultimately I have to believe universities and taxpayers are going to say, "Okay, this athletic stuff is SO far afield from our original mission, and so out of whack, it's time to get out of the business and let a club or minor league system take its place." I know, not likely to happen tomorrow, but maybe sooner than we think if all the power schools in the NCAA get "outed" through this probe.
Not holding my breath but hope your right. First on the NCAA agenda, after laying out the punishments should be to stop the one and done b.s.. Also stop being a minor league for the NFL and the NBA. Finally pay the players/employees a livable wage. As it turns out Colter had it right.
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Not holding my breath but hope your right. First on the NCAA agenda, after laying out the punishments should be to stop the one and done b.s.. Also stop being a minor league for the NFL and the NBA. Finally pay the players/employees a livable wage. As it turns out Colter had it right.
Minor point, Willy, the NCAA can't do anything about the one-and-done issue, it is in the NBA collective bargaining agreement with their players that a player must be more than 1 year removed from their high school graduation to be eligible to play in the NBA. I agree with you about paying the players a fair share of the ridiculous profits the two revenue sports generate. No coach should be making millions while the players get diddly-squat.
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One thing this whole scandal does is reinforce my appreciat
Minor point, Willy, the NCAA can't do anything about the one-and-done issue, it is in the NBA collective bargaining agreement with their players that a player must be more than 1 year removed from their high school graduation to be eligible to play in the NBA. I agree with you about paying the players a fair share of the ridiculous profits the two revenue sports generate. No coach should be making millions while the players get diddly-squat.
But then you're back to the point that you made originally, Fitz, which is, "if a little money is good, a lot is a lot better." I think you'll always have this kind of under the table stuff going on (and frankly, it's been going on for a LONG time) when you have people with money who are willing to use that money to gain an advantage. As long as you have NCAA rules that are artificially holding down compensation for a marketable product, you'll have a black market. (I think I learned that in Econ 101, right?)

If you're the CEO of a major company that has 20 different businesses and you want to "streamline" down to what you do best, you ask yourself, "What is my core business? What am I REALLY good at." For universities, the answers SHOULD be, "Teaching, research, service." NOT winning football or basketball games. And yet for so many P5 schools these days, they can't divorce themselves from their identities as athletic factories. To the point where the coaches and boosters are effectively making policy for the universities. (And spending millions of dollars on athletic related facilities, instead of "core mission" stuff like research and teaching facilities). At what point do you, as CEO of a university, say, "Enough. We're going back to what we do best. Let the professional leagues and clubs take over the athletic stuff?"
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I’m just saying that if you’re going to trumpet NU’s squeaky clean image then you probably shouldn’t be rooting for our coach’s last stop to be implicated in a massive recruiting scandal. Though you’re offering a good preview of the “Duke never did a single thing wrong before the last 5 years!” argument that’ll be all over the place if this does blow up.
I think Coach K has sold his soul going for the one-and-dones. That wasn't their model when CCC was there although they began having guys leave early. But now, they seem to be all-in on that model. Does he want to win that badly?
I think Coach K has sold his soul going for the one-and-dones. Does he want to win that badly?
Yes, he obviously does. He has the #1, 2 and 3 recruits in next years class coming to Duke. No doubt at least one if not all 3 will be one-and-done.
Yes, he obviously does. He has the #1, 2 and 3 recruits in next years class coming to Duke. No doubt at least one if not all 3 will be one-and-done.
Is there something wrong with that? You know wanting to win and I far as I know that's within the rules, right?
If we're going down this road ... If I'm a powerful P5 university president, I probably start floating the idea of shutting down basketball AND football for a year and "reorganizing" - do it under the umbrella of improving the integrity of both sports and refocusing the academic goals. I know this is pie in the sky, but trying to keep up with a sanction here and a new bylaw there is not working at all.

The coaches have too much power. The coaches and ADs are just sitting there, generally letting all of this happen. People outside the high schools and college institutions have WAY too much power. They need to be shut out of the process.

I think the only way you can corral all of this is to shut it down, redefine the term of amatuer, put some teeth into the NCAA, focus more on academics, sacrifice the 10% that really dont care about school, level the playing field and decide if you really want to be a sports internship ... maybe get the pros involved like any other corporation with a presence in campus ... just to throw some things off the top of my head.

The institutions are not running this anymore, but they have the most to lose. They have too much invested to blow it, and they need to get it under control so the money machine keeps printing.

Gather 10 presidents, 10 ADs or coaches and ten student-athletes and figure it out.
They decided to do it after the game because they thought there was a better chance for a good crowd immediately after the game, than to hope for early arrivals prior to a 6 p.m. tip on a workday.
And had we won there likely would have been
Nope. Although any illusions of Duke athletes also being students are pretty much gone.
Still I would bet that the standards at Duke are head and shoulders over most of the Big Ten programs. Let's not even talk about those in SEC, except maybe Vandy.
Nope. Although any illusions of Duke athletes also being students are pretty much gone.
It has shocked me how much Duke has sold itself out to the "one and done" culture. I would have liked to have thought they were better than that.
Still I would bet that the standards at Duke are head and shoulders over most of the Big Ten programs..
I doubt it, at least for basketball players. The odds of a kid being the best high school baller in the country and also meet standards "head and shoulders" above the Big 10 schools are slim and none, and Slim just left town.
If we're going down this road ... If I'm a powerful P5 university president, I probably start floating the idea of shutting down basketball AND football for a year and "reorganizing" - do it under the umbrella of improving the integrity of both sports and refocusing the academic goals.
Although I WISH you were a P5 president, there is NFW that any of them will do this. Remember Gordon Gee when they asked if Tressel could keep his job?