Sort of OT (not really) - NLRB rules football players at private schools should be treated as employ

Question what precedent a mere memo holds. Taking a page from the fired Acting U.S. Attorney General, maybe the lawyer author is gunning for some glory in anticipation of the upcoming regime change.

Lots of caveats in the "document" itself:

The new memo partly answers a question left open by the full National Labor Relations Board in 2015, when it declined to assert jurisdiction over whether football players at Northwestern University could form a union. It does not reverse that ruling, however, nor does it carry the force of law

Griffin was appointed the NLRB's general counsel by President Obama in 2013. His term ends in November, and his replacement could issue different guidance. Donald Remy, the NCAA's general counsel, said the new memo does not reflect a binding position of the NLRB and that the document will not affect the association's stance.
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