Terrible news


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
2010 Northwestern Homecoming Grand Marshall Bobby Flay and Northwestern Alumna Stephanie March have filed for a divorce.

That is terrible. Stephanie was great in SVU, but Bobby is a Food TV icon. His restaurant is fantastic if you're in NYC.
Originally posted by realcatfan:
That is terrible. Stephanie was great in SVU, but Bobby is a Food TV icon. His restaurant is fantastic if you're in NYC.
I've been wanting to head to NYC for awhile just to check out all the chefs I watch on TV. A lot have places in and around Chicago (Jose Garces, Maneet Chauhan, Morimoto, Stepanie Izard, Graham Elliot, Joe Bastianich, Rick Bayless...). After watching the Food Network and other shows for years, I need to have a meal made by Bobby Flay, Alex Guarnaschelli, Michael Symon, and Gordon Ramsey. I can take care of most that in NYC.
Shakes, it isn't clear if you mean you've never been there or just not recently. Just an OT comment - I understand why NYC people think it is the best city in the world. Chicago will always be my first love, my "home", but NYC is simply amazing. I go there several times a year for weekends just to enjoy the city. Going again in May. Cannot wait.
Originally posted by phatcat:
Shakes, it isn't clear if you mean you've never been there or just not recently. Just an OT comment - I understand why NYC people think it is the best city in the world. Chicago will always be my first love, my "home", but NYC is simply amazing. I go there several times a year for weekends just to enjoy the city. Going again in May. Cannot wait.
Phat, I have never been. Been thinking about it, but probably won't.
Re: Terrible is a little strong

It might be terrible for friends and family of the Flays, but for the average NU football fan, not so much.
Amazing if you like garbage in the streets. My daughter has lived in NYC for three years, but she's had enough so she's coming back to sweet home Chicago.
Very interesting.

Giada DeLaurentis and her husband announced they were divorcing one day after Bobby and Giada were spotted at dinner together several months ago.
As a chef, it sounds as if Flay is having an eternal search for the moistest chicken.