Trey Burton’s Mysterious Groin Injury

Hungry Jack

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 17, 2008
the cotton fields and bus shelters
I think our ursine footballers missed Burton’s presence on Sunday. No knock on Shaheen but he’s not the matchup problem that Burton is.

Burton’s groin unexpectedly “locked up” on Saturday morning after Friday’s practice. Initially he thought it might be related to anxiety, but if I’m the team doctor, I’m looking at his lumbar spine and sciatic nerve.

I had groin tightness for years. I blamed my ice hockey pursuits as a youth and the recent cycling. It was not until I was diagnosed with lumbar spine arthritis and stenosis that I realized this condition was significantly impacting my lower abdomen, mostly due to the psoas muscle working overtime to protect the spine. I had no real symptoms other than tightness until sciatica kicked in. It was probably going on for years.