I can see arguments for and against but he probably takes it slightly too far. One argument in favor: The opposing coach is generally going to save all
his time outs until the end. Just curious, if MFD hadn't fouled McIntosh and the fast break had been defused, do you think Collins would have called time out to set up an offense? (More on this below.)
They were down 7 points, their team was tired, he was hoping to get the under 8 TV timeout, I think he was worried the game would get away from them there. I can't argue with the timeout. He probably burned a few of his other ones too early.
Right. The second (about 17 min left 2nd half) seemed to respond to our terrible offensive, but momentum wasn't really in NU's favor. Better to be process- than results-oriented but it didn't seem to improve our play.
As far as the dumb foul, BMac was eating his defender alive, and his floater/shot was going in, I felt good he would get the basket for us either way.
Plausible. Of course we Vanderbilt fans will always wonder whereas Northwestern fans are probably OK without knowing.
That is true, but with a TO left to use, Vandy could have called timeout and set up a play instead of taking that 25' three pointer. Fouling BMac was one thing, but taking that bad shot was a completely different thing. The really could have used a TO to set an offensive play.
Current thinking by many coaches I respect is that TOs generally favor the defense. Again, zero-sum game point above. A well-prepared offense should already know what it's trying to do, whereas D is inherently reactive. It's probably better not to take a time out on offense there, unless there's some specific play they wanted to run. And I like the mindset that your team is so well prepared that you don't have to micromanage the offense but obviously if in reality you're less organized than the defense, you'd better take the time out!
Regardless, a defensive TO after the basket to put us ahead, right before where MFD fouled, would have helped a lot. Hindsight 20-20 etc.
Drew seems to be a very good young coach who did a terrific job to turn a throwaway rebuilding season into an NCAA near-miss. But good coaches do maddening things. I'm OK with early TOs but not to this extreme.