We are letting the Big Dogs out today folks!You can take that to the bank!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2015
We got athletic forwards in Scottie and Law that matchup very well with Purdue! I like Mac’s matchup also. We may have foul trouble as their biggies seem to be dam solid under the post! Still, I think our beloved Wildcats pull out the upset and come out of West Lafayette leading the BT at 2-0! Go Cats!
Wrass, I hope you are right again. We can't have the dumb to's against a team like PU and expect to win though. Let's hope we get our first signature win against a Final 4 legit contender today!
We just need to sharpen the pen a bit! I like the way Scottie came back against Illinois. I like Falzon also. Those guys and Law are tall and athletic. If they can start hitting their shots, we willl do very well. Mac needs to pass a tad more. All small stuff. Darn good team. Let’s get a win!
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