The forecast for Saturday continues to be for sunny skies and a high of 86. Should be around 80 at kick-off, Humidity shouldn't be a factor, it has been pretty dry here in NC. Fall arrived last Sunday and it has been in the 70s all week with morning lows in the lower 50s. In fact, it is 10 degrees hotter in Evanston right now than it is in central NC. So if anything, NU may have an advantage when it comes to playing in the heat!
One thing I've noticed living here as a transplanted Yankee is that the sun is much more intense. Even when it is in the 60s or 70s, when you're in the sun you just feel hotter. No way to simulate that.
One thing I've noticed living here as a transplanted Yankee is that the sun is much more intense. Even when it is in the 60s or 70s, when you're in the sun you just feel hotter. No way to simulate that.