What a difference a year makes!


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Mar 7, 2009
Think back to the tenor of sentiment a year ago after the opener at Rutgers. To say the least, the general feelings on the board are a little better than they were a year ago after the Rutgers opener.

I am enjoying things a lot more, but will post what I said then as one of the Rivals Wildcat optimists:

“My expectations are low but not non-existent, and in some ways haven’t lowered a whole lot based on Sunday. Before the season started, it was clear both lines were going to be bad, and Sunday they were. Rutgers offense was able to get a 2 yard push any time they wanted. Having said that, the defense exceeded my expectations two ways. The DB’s, I thought, were excellent; the positional discipline of the entire defensive unit was very good. By and large, the D did not screw up. They did get beat on the first 2 drives, and will be challenged on 3rd down all year, but give Schiano and Rutgers some credit, too. On the first 2 drives, the first 2 of the year, they ran 32 plays with only one apparent breakdown, the pass that could have been intercepted. They were disciplined and well prepared. Going forward for the Cats, I would expect Braun to shift up and situationally use a little more press coverage on passing downs and run blitz more on short yardage situations. I don’t think this defense will be dominant, but t will be good enough to keep the Cats in half a dozen or so games this year beyond Howard.
The offense, as opposed to the defense, did not show good unit cohesion. While the inability of the line to open any daylight for an inside running game is probably not fixable, no one was reading blitzes and or adjusting to the pass rush. When the will LB rushed, the slot receiver did not read, move into the void the LB left and become hot. It looked to me like no one was recognizing blocking assignments on any sort of overload RU put on. My guess is that Bryant is still learning the system, and it showed. My expectation going forward is pretty low, but he is an experienced guy. What I do expect is that the offense is going to look a lot like it did in 2018 before Bowser emerged: a lot of quick passes, some jet sweep motion, and some inside screens to try to get Porter the ball with a little space. I do think Bryant will remember to do some of the things he has done before: read and adjust at the line, put some loft on the ball when Henning gets deep separation as happened at least once Sunday. I don’t think the offense will be great, but I do think there are a few players who can make plays and (big if) if Bryant can get them working with a little precision, they will put some points on the board. If Bryant can’t adjust, they will need to use Sullivan and start over.
To some it up, this team has a low ceiling, but the floor might be a little higher than what Sunday showed. I think next week we will see what sort of a game to game coach Braun is. I still want to give home a chance to show me before I throw in the towel completely. I still think the Cats can win 4 or 5 games this season, and hope they do.”
Think back to the tenor of sentiment a year ago after the opener at Rutgers. To say the least, the general feelings on the board are a little better than they were a year ago after the Rutgers opener.

I am enjoying things a lot more, but will post what I said then as one of the Rivals Wildcat optimists:

“My expectations are low but not non-existent, and in some ways haven’t lowered a whole lot based on Sunday. Before the season started, it was clear both lines were going to be bad, and Sunday they were. Rutgers offense was able to get a 2 yard push any time they wanted. Having said that, the defense exceeded my expectations two ways. The DB’s, I thought, were excellent; the positional discipline of the entire defensive unit was very good. By and large, the D did not screw up. They did get beat on the first 2 drives, and will be challenged on 3rd down all year, but give Schiano and Rutgers some credit, too. On the first 2 drives, the first 2 of the year, they ran 32 plays with only one apparent breakdown, the pass that could have been intercepted. They were disciplined and well prepared. Going forward for the Cats, I would expect Braun to shift up and situationally use a little more press coverage on passing downs and run blitz more on short yardage situations. I don’t think this defense will be dominant, but t will be good enough to keep the Cats in half a dozen or so games this year beyond Howard.
The offense, as opposed to the defense, did not show good unit cohesion. While the inability of the line to open any daylight for an inside running game is probably not fixable, no one was reading blitzes and or adjusting to the pass rush. When the will LB rushed, the slot receiver did not read, move into the void the LB left and become hot. It looked to me like no one was recognizing blocking assignments on any sort of overload RU put on. My guess is that Bryant is still learning the system, and it showed. My expectation going forward is pretty low, but he is an experienced guy. What I do expect is that the offense is going to look a lot like it did in 2018 before Bowser emerged: a lot of quick passes, some jet sweep motion, and some inside screens to try to get Porter the ball with a little space. I do think Bryant will remember to do some of the things he has done before: read and adjust at the line, put some loft on the ball when Henning gets deep separation as happened at least once Sunday. I don’t think the offense will be great, but I do think there are a few players who can make plays and (big if) if Bryant can get them working with a little precision, they will put some points on the board. If Bryant can’t adjust, they will need to use Sullivan and start over.
To some it up, this team has a low ceiling, but the floor might be a little higher than what Sunday showed. I think next week we will see what sort of a game to game coach Braun is. I still want to give home a chance to show me before I throw in the towel completely. I still think the Cats can win 4 or 5 games this season, and hope they do.”

Eastbay, pretty good. You should do an assessment of the Miami game.
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Looking back at that time when the future competitiveness, and even the future existence, of our football program was under a very real extensional threat, this is a lot better
The future existence of our football program is still under a very real existential threat. It’s called conference realignment, and there is no guarantee that the Big Ten’s Power Programs will carry us to their new promised land.

Braun is a heck of a coach and has made a lot of great moves over the past 12 months.

I can’t wait to see what Pat Ryan says, if anything, should Northwestern be excluded from the NWO after he burnt $800M on this goofy stadium renovation.

P.S. Lesser minds would have blasted your typo. The Truth has Too Much Class for such pettiness. Wildcat Football may be doomed
A TRUE "Cat Man" would realize that Northwestern is a FOUNDING MEMBER of the Conference. Therefore the "Power Programs" have next to nothing to say about NU's continued/future membership in the B1G. (Read the conference bylaws if you don't believe me)
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A TRUE "Cat Man" would realize that Northwestern is a FOUNDING MEMBER of the Conference. Therefore the "Power Programs" have next to nothing to say about NU's continued/future membership in the B1G. (Read the conference bylaws if you don't believe me)
He’s talking about a likely or unlikely scenario where the top 6 programs decide to leave the B1G to create a super conference with the SEC heavies and say ND, Clemson and FSU. We could continue to be B1G members but that doesn’t mean those schools will be too.
Don't see a super conference making any sense at all. What would be gained from it? The big dogs are doing just fine as it is and they all have their fiefdoms. And TV rights money is about maxed out at this point unless everything goes pay-per-view, but there are some risks in that model.
He’s talking about a likely or unlikely scenario where the top 6 programs decide to leave the B1G to create a super conference with the SEC heavies and say ND, Clemson and FSU. We could continue to be B1G members but that doesn’t mean those schools will be too.
I don’t see it as overly likely, but if it’s a small enough number I don’t even see the departure of maybe 12-18 top brands as overly negative. Just a return to a world of NU playing against Minnesota, Iowa, Vandy, etc a lot. If it’s like 35 teams that leave then that sucks.
Looking back at that time when the future competitiveness, and even the future existence, of our football program was under a very real extensional threat, this is a lot better

Agree. Last year at this time it felt like we were losing recruits - and fans - left and right, had no idea if Braun was capable at all, and worrying that there would be no place to play. I'm sure there were posts predicting NU wouldn't have enough players in 2024 after the mass exodus due to three terrible years in a row and the firing of a beloved coach. If NU hadn't come back against Minnesota in Week 4 and turned its season around, who knows where we'd be right now.
Agree. Last year at this time it felt like we were losing recruits - and fans - left and right, had no idea if Braun was capable at all, and worrying that there would be no place to play. I'm sure there were posts predicting NU wouldn't have enough players in 2024 after the mass exodus due to three terrible years in a row and the firing of a beloved coach. If NU hadn't come back against Minnesota in Week 4 and turned its season around, who knows where we'd be right now.
Minnesota was definitely a turning point but so was Maryland where we were a big underdog, playing our backup QB, and came back with the W that started our late season surge.
Minnesota was definitely a turning point but so was Maryland where we were a big underdog, playing our backup QB, and came back with the W that started our late season surge.
You're right. In fact, before I wrote about Minnesota I was sure that Maryland was the game I was thinking of and I went back to the schedule to look - Maryland was much later than I remembered. Oh well, both games were huge.
Think back to the tenor of sentiment a year ago after the opener at Rutgers. To say the least, the general feelings on the board are a little better than they were a year ago after the Rutgers opener.

I am enjoying things a lot more, but will post what I said then as one of the Rivals Wildcat optimists:

“My expectations are low but not non-existent, and in some ways haven’t lowered a whole lot based on Sunday. Before the season started, it was clear both lines were going to be bad, and Sunday they were. Rutgers offense was able to get a 2 yard push any time they wanted. Having said that, the defense exceeded my expectations two ways. The DB’s, I thought, were excellent; the positional discipline of the entire defensive unit was very good. By and large, the D did not screw up. They did get beat on the first 2 drives, and will be challenged on 3rd down all year, but give Schiano and Rutgers some credit, too. On the first 2 drives, the first 2 of the year, they ran 32 plays with only one apparent breakdown, the pass that could have been intercepted. They were disciplined and well prepared. Going forward for the Cats, I would expect Braun to shift up and situationally use a little more press coverage on passing downs and run blitz more on short yardage situations. I don’t think this defense will be dominant, but t will be good enough to keep the Cats in half a dozen or so games this year beyond Howard.
The offense, as opposed to the defense, did not show good unit cohesion. While the inability of the line to open any daylight for an inside running game is probably not fixable, no one was reading blitzes and or adjusting to the pass rush. When the will LB rushed, the slot receiver did not read, move into the void the LB left and become hot. It looked to me like no one was recognizing blocking assignments on any sort of overload RU put on. My guess is that Bryant is still learning the system, and it showed. My expectation going forward is pretty low, but he is an experienced guy. What I do expect is that the offense is going to look a lot like it did in 2018 before Bowser emerged: a lot of quick passes, some jet sweep motion, and some inside screens to try to get Porter the ball with a little space. I do think Bryant will remember to do some of the things he has done before: read and adjust at the line, put some loft on the ball when Henning gets deep separation as happened at least once Sunday. I don’t think the offense will be great, but I do think there are a few players who can make plays and (big if) if Bryant can get them working with a little precision, they will put some points on the board. If Bryant can’t adjust, they will need to use Sullivan and start over.
To some it up, this team has a low ceiling, but the floor might be a little higher than what Sunday showed. I think next week we will see what sort of a game to game coach Braun is. I still want to give home a chance to show me before I throw in the towel completely. I still think the Cats can win 4 or 5 games this season, and hope they do.”
We were outmatched in that Rutgers game last year pretty much across the board. The thing I remember well is their QB, who really wasn’t that good, made some fantastic throws in that game. Several times we had good coverage and he put it in the one spot where they could complete it.

That turned out to be one of his (Wismatt) best games of the year and he really faded the second half of the season. Now he’s a backup QB at Kentucky.

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