Who is returning kicks for NU?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2005
is it Vault? I'd like it to be Vault. Or Iguebuike (sp?)

There haven't been many opportunities, so definitely a chance this week to a) try someone new, and b) try something new.

I would imagine more than one kickoff return this week. Fewer than five, I hope.
is it Vault? I'd like it to be Vault. Or Iguebuike (sp?)

There haven't been many opportunities, so definitely a chance this week to a) try someone new, and b) try something new.

I would imagine more than one kickoff return this week. Fewer than five, I hope.

Has been Vault. Could also see Roberts back there as well as Shuler.
It is a weird side effect when your defense doesn't give up any points - you don't learn anything about your own kick returners.

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