Originally posted by Turk:
Kafka had tons of early mistakes and was finally relegated to the bench, after starting. CJ proved far superior for the next two years. With the emergence of zeke, ebery, Lane, Brewer, Drake, we had a bunch of receivers under a good wr coach in Coach Johns who ran great routes, caught every pass, and knew what the hell they were doing. And Kafka maintained his health. Ever think those guys may have just been better players than the guys we have now?
IMO, the thing that has killed us the last several years [post Kafka years] is that our QB's have gotten eaten alive behind a shitty OL and lack of recognition by Coach McCall. Our coaches hold the naïve and young Fitz hostage to his misplaced loyalty insomuch that Fitz is more loyal to them than his players and the program. Loyalty that produces insanity is no virtue.
Until Fitz recognizes some otherwise awful coaches on his staff, our QB's will continue to get eaten alive.
From Persa, who got mangled, to Colter, Trevor, our QB's are Clay pigeons who get abused. What interest me is Kafka. Kafka represents a QB who didn't get mangled. IMO, because he was big and also could run. Thus, even though Fitz was boneheaded and stubborn and decided to bring back terrible coaches, I do have some hope that maybe Thorson can escape the onslaught our opponents will attempt to feast upon him since Thorson is big and can run. You do know that Persa injured himself celebrating and Trevor on a QB sneak, yeah? How would the coaches avoid those injuries?
Now if we can just get a few grad assistants to coach the wide receivers how to run a route or catch a freakn ball. Good Grief!