Assorted thoughts from the UM game


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
Offense first:
- OL struggled. Had a tough time, though against an admittedly very strong defensive front. The RT stuck out as getting beaten the most often, but in his defense he was up against Aidan Hutchinson a lot in 1 on 1. I would have liked to see us give him more help with a RB chip more often - but the problem is in passing situations Mich kept sending 5-6 guys so the RB was often needed to help take on an unblocked rusher elsewhere (still feels to me like we struggle with blitz pickup assignments, but Michigan D is pretty good at timing and disguising).
- Hull is what he is - not great agility to make yards where there isn't much space, but when he finds space he has good straight line speed. Without him we had nothing on offense all game. Honestly I would have liked to see more of Andrew Clair - thought his style of power running with better juking would have been best suited to the OL situation - ie lack of push up front and limited holes. Really having Justin Jackson back would have been best - he got extremely familiar with figuring out how to find 2-5 yards from plays that could have been 0 or negative...
- When Stephon Robinson went down we lacked a big playmaker. Malik Washington has definitely improved but that was a tough one. Because then there was no one that the Mich defense "feared" and so they felt free to repeatedly bring zero / single high man looks on blitzes, or some zone blitzes. Hope Stephon is okay and can return soon.
- This is the same thing I said last week, but it was more apparent and much more of a problem against Michigan than the prior couple weeks. Hilinski is a very good QB when he gets time, but under pressure he struggles to make quick reads and then make "off platform" throws. With all the blitzes Mich brought, there were at least 3 situations where I saw guys open downfield (in some cases the commentators called it out) - and Hilinski failed to identify or hit them. If he doesn't do that (and without Stephon as the default first read for him to key on when the other team blitzes), there is nothing to dissuade Michigan (and other teams who will watch this tape and see the game plan) from repeated blitzing.
- The fact of the matter is the offense was overmatched here. If you remove the 75 yard run, we had 158 total yards on 54 plays, which is 2.9 ypp. Even including that play we had 233 yards on 55 plays for 4.2 ypp, with an even 4.2 ypp passing (133/16-32) and 4.3 ypp rushing (100/23). That's no way to get consistent ball movement and resulted in the defense tiring in the 2Q (H1 ToP was 22:55 to 7:05) and then again in the 2H (we ended at 39:19 to 20:41).

- Overall I didn't think the defense was too bad. Even though they gave up 33 they started out pretty well, just seemed to tire as the game went on due to being left on an island with no output and many 3 and outs from the offense. Although the reality is the point total could have been worse if Michigan's red zone execution was better, particularly in the first half.
- DL played better - seemed to hold the LoS pretty stoutly early on, but that fell off a bit as the game went on. Michigan ran for 294 yards on 54 carries (5.4 ypc), but a lot of that was after contact, or at the least after when a 2nd or 3rd level player should have gotten contact on him (see next point). I think yards til contact would have been in the ~2 range. The pass rush still was a struggle though - compared to Hilinski felt like their QB had about 2x the amount of time. The only sack came from B Jo.
- Tackling was the most notable issue. I know Corum is a really good RB but jeez we just missed too many clear tackles where we barely even got a finger on him - my count was at 9 by late-Q3 which was when I kind of gave up on it mentally. That was split about 50/50 between the LBs and the safeties, with at least 1 each from all three LBs (28, 32, 40) and at least one each from both safeties (16 and 0). I've grown to expect that from the LBs this year sadly, but honestly B Jo was the most disappointing - he still was flying around and athletic but I counted 3 clear missed tackles from him (I believe all on Corum?) so hope he can clean that up in future games.
- Secondary was strong throughout the game. They took several deep shots in 1-on-1 coverage and we were right there every time. One flag thrown on a 3rd down on a deep ball to the left side looked to me to be a downright bad call, no appreciable contact, that extended the drive and allowed Michigan to solidify their lead which was unfortunate (the second flag thrown on that drive for a grab was correct). But overall they were just 23-32 for 163 yards, only 5.1 ypp (lower than their running average!), and a lot of those completions were swing passes or screens. Tackling on those plays wasn't perfect but mostly decent - I saw more missed tackles on those from LBs than from our DBs.
- After the embarrassment that was the Nebraska game, even though we gave up a fair number of yards here I didn't feel like our players were overmatched. They generally seemed to be in the right places (ie coaching), just too many missed tackles on key plays that prevented us from stopping drives, plus no help from the offense. I think this one was closer to the Rutgers game than the Nebraska game in terms of how the D played but against a much better opponent on both sides of the football.

Good win by Michigan, overall we got thoroughly outplayed on both sides of the ball. I think we have a reasonable chance against Minnesota though - especially if we can get Stephon Robinson and/or Andrew Marty back to give the offense a bit more life.

Go Cats!
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Offense first:
- OL struggled. Had a tough time, though against an admittedly very strong defensive front. The RT stuck out as getting beaten the most often, but in his defense he was up against Aidan Hutchinson a lot in 1 on 1. I would have liked to see us give him more help with a RB chip more often - but the problem is in passing situations Mich kept sending 5-6 guys so the RB was often needed to help take on an unblocked rusher elsewhere (still feels to me like we struggle with blitz pickup assignments, but Michigan D is pretty good at timing and disguising).
- Hull is what he is - not great agility to make yards where there isn't much space, but when he finds space he has good straight line speed. Without him we had nothing on offense all game. Honestly I would have liked to see more of Andrew Clair - thought his style of power running with better juking would have been best suited to the OL situation - ie lack of push up front and limited holes. Really having Justin Jackson back would have been best - he got extremely familiar with figuring out how to find 2-5 yards from plays that could have been 0 or negative...
- When Stephon Robinson went down we lacked a big playmaker. Malik Washington has definitely improved but that was a tough one. Because then there was no one that the Mich defense "feared" and so they felt free to repeatedly bring zero or single safety looks on blitzes. Hope Stephon is okay and can return soon.
- This is the same thing I said last week, but it was more apparent and much more of a problem against Michigan than the prior couple weeks. Hilinski is a very good QB when he gets time, but under pressure he struggles to make quick reads and then make "off platform" throws. With all the blitzes Mich brought, there were at least 3 situations where I saw guys open downfield (in some cases the commentators called it out) - and Hilinski failed to identify or hit them. If he doesn't do that (and without Stephon as the default first read for him to key on when the other team blitzes), there is nothing to dissuade Michigan (and other teams who will watch this tape and see the game plan) from repeated blitzing.
- The fact of the matter is the offense was overmatched here. If you remove the 75 yard run, we had 158 total yards on 54 plays, which is 2.9 ypp. Even including that play we had 233 yards on 55 plays for 4.2 ypp, with an even 4.2 ypp passing (133/16-32) and 4.3 ypp rushing (100/23). That's no way to get consistent ball movement and resulted in the defense tiring in the 2Q (H1 ToP was 22:55 to 7:05) and then again in the 2H (we ended at 39:19 to 20:41).

- Overall I didn't think the defense was too bad. Even though they gave up 33 they started out pretty well, just seemed to tire as the game went on due to being left on an island with no output and many 3 and outs from the offense. Although the reality is the point total could have been worse if Michigan's red zone execution was better, particularly in the first half.
- DL played better - seemed to hold the LoS pretty stoutly early on, but that fell off a bit as the game went on. Michigan ran for 294 yards on 54 carries (5.4 ypc), but a lot of that was after contact, or at the least after when a 2nd or 3rd level player should have gotten contact on him (see next point). I think yards til contact would have been in the ~2 range. The pass rush still was a struggle though - compared to Hilinski felt like their QB had about 2x the amount of time. The only sack came from B Jo.
- Tackling was the most notable issue. I know Corum is a really good RB but jeez we just missed too many clear tackles where we barely even got a finger on him - my count was at 9 by late-Q3 which was when I kind of gave up on it mentally. That was split about 50/50 between the LBs and the safeties, with at least 1 each from all three LBs (28, 32, 40) and at least one each from both safeties (16 and 0). I've grown to expect that from the LBs this year sadly, but honestly B Jo was the most disappointing - he still was flying around and athletic but I counted 3 clear missed tackles from him (I believe all on Corum?) so hope he can clean that up in future games.
- Secondary was strong throughout the game. They took several deep shots in 1-on-1 coverage and we were right there every time. One flag thrown on a 3rd down on a deep ball to the left side looked to me to be a downright bad call, no appreciable contact, that extended the drive and allowed Michigan to solidify their lead which was unfortunate (the second flag thrown on that drive for a grab was correct). But overall they were just 23-32 for 163 yards, only 5.1 ypp (lower than their running average!), and a lot of those completions were swing passes or screens. Tackling on those plays wasn't perfect but mostly decent - I saw more missed tackles on those from LBs than from our DBs.
- After the embarrassment that was the Nebraska game, even though we gave up a fair number of yards here I didn't feel like our players were overmatched. They generally seemed to be in the right places (ie coaching), just too many missed tackles on key plays that prevented us from stopping drives, plus no help from the offense. I think this one was closer to the Rutgers game than the Nebraska game in terms of how the D played but against a much better opponent on both sides of the football.

Good win by Michigan, overall we got thoroughly outplayed on both sides of the ball. I think we have a reasonable chance against Minnesota though - especially if we can get Stephon Robinson and/or Andrew Marty back to give the offense a bit more life.

Go Cats!
Oh and I forgot Special Teams:
- Obviously the kicker has become a problem at this point. Kuhbs is in a rut right now at 4-9 on the year. Not sure what can be done, he has had success before but often seems like kicking is a mental game. Fitz has to be wondering if he should try someone else at this point. Do we have any other options?
- Derek Adams had a pretty good game overall, but he maybe should have had a bit more urgency on the one that got blocked. But man was that a serious breakdown in protection - they overloaded that side somewhat but we didn't even touch the guy who got there.
- Related, I wouldn't mind seeing us go after blocking a punt like one time? We always seem to play it safe / set up the return, but outside of against a 1-AA team it's not like we get that much in the return game... so why not try to get a block once in a while?
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nice summary,,,,this tackling thing intrigues me......Fitz mentioned it in the post game....improper technique I think he said. So it looked like there were a lot of tackles where we dove for the ankles and the backs just pulled out...we seldom took them on head to head....does anyone know what technique they do teach? Is this a function of trying to avoid any targeting calls? but man it seemed we had guys in the right gap and just didnt make the play
Agree, a very nice and well thought out analysis.

Considering at least one giveaway score to Michigan in the third quarter and the missed field goal it was a much closer game than the final score would suggest. In that light we stayed competitive against arguably the best team we have or will play this year.
nice summary,,,,this tackling thing intrigues me......Fitz mentioned it in the post game....improper technique I think he said. So it looked like there were a lot of tackles where we dove for the ankles and the backs just pulled out...we seldom took them on head to head....does anyone know what technique they do teach? Is this a function of trying to avoid any targeting calls? but man it seemed we had guys in the right gap and just didnt make the play
Yeah I don't know exactly what we teach, but did look a bit like diving low rather than squaring up with head up - but I'm not the expert there. Corum is a very nimble RB and he caused problems for us in 1 on 1 tackling opportunities. Haskins more of just a run through you kind of player, though that was a bit problematic at times too.
Offense first:
- OL struggled. Had a tough time, though against an admittedly very strong defensive front. The RT stuck out as getting beaten the most often, but in his defense he was up against Aidan Hutchinson a lot in 1 on 1. I would have liked to see us give him more help with a RB chip more often - but the problem is in passing situations Mich kept sending 5-6 guys so the RB was often needed to help take on an unblocked rusher elsewhere (still feels to me like we struggle with blitz pickup assignments, but Michigan D is pretty good at timing and disguising).
- Hull is what he is - not great agility to make yards where there isn't much space, but when he finds space he has good straight line speed. Without him we had nothing on offense all game. Honestly I would have liked to see more of Andrew Clair - thought his style of power running with better juking would have been best suited to the OL situation - ie lack of push up front and limited holes. Really having Justin Jackson back would have been best - he got extremely familiar with figuring out how to find 2-5 yards from plays that could have been 0 or negative...
- When Stephon Robinson went down we lacked a big playmaker. Malik Washington has definitely improved but that was a tough one. Because then there was no one that the Mich defense "feared" and so they felt free to repeatedly bring zero or single safety looks on blitzes. Hope Stephon is okay and can return soon.
- This is the same thing I said last week, but it was more apparent and much more of a problem against Michigan than the prior couple weeks. Hilinski is a very good QB when he gets time, but under pressure he struggles to make quick reads and then make "off platform" throws. With all the blitzes Mich brought, there were at least 3 situations where I saw guys open downfield (in some cases the commentators called it out) - and Hilinski failed to identify or hit them. If he doesn't do that (and without Stephon as the default first read for him to key on when the other team blitzes), there is nothing to dissuade Michigan (and other teams who will watch this tape and see the game plan) from repeated blitzing.
- The fact of the matter is the offense was overmatched here. If you remove the 75 yard run, we had 158 total yards on 54 plays, which is 2.9 ypp. Even including that play we had 233 yards on 55 plays for 4.2 ypp, with an even 4.2 ypp passing (133/16-32) and 4.3 ypp rushing (100/23). That's no way to get consistent ball movement and resulted in the defense tiring in the 2Q (H1 ToP was 22:55 to 7:05) and then again in the 2H (we ended at 39:19 to 20:41).

- Overall I didn't think the defense was too bad. Even though they gave up 33 they started out pretty well, just seemed to tire as the game went on due to being left on an island with no output and many 3 and outs from the offense. Although the reality is the point total could have been worse if Michigan's red zone execution was better, particularly in the first half.
- DL played better - seemed to hold the LoS pretty stoutly early on, but that fell off a bit as the game went on. Michigan ran for 294 yards on 54 carries (5.4 ypc), but a lot of that was after contact, or at the least after when a 2nd or 3rd level player should have gotten contact on him (see next point). I think yards til contact would have been in the ~2 range. The pass rush still was a struggle though - compared to Hilinski felt like their QB had about 2x the amount of time. The only sack came from B Jo.
- Tackling was the most notable issue. I know Corum is a really good RB but jeez we just missed too many clear tackles where we barely even got a finger on him - my count was at 9 by late-Q3 which was when I kind of gave up on it mentally. That was split about 50/50 between the LBs and the safeties, with at least 1 each from all three LBs (28, 32, 40) and at least one each from both safeties (16 and 0). I've grown to expect that from the LBs this year sadly, but honestly B Jo was the most disappointing - he still was flying around and athletic but I counted 3 clear missed tackles from him (I believe all on Corum?) so hope he can clean that up in future games.
- Secondary was strong throughout the game. They took several deep shots in 1-on-1 coverage and we were right there every time. One flag thrown on a 3rd down on a deep ball to the left side looked to me to be a downright bad call, no appreciable contact, that extended the drive and allowed Michigan to solidify their lead which was unfortunate (the second flag thrown on that drive for a grab was correct). But overall they were just 23-32 for 163 yards, only 5.1 ypp (lower than their running average!), and a lot of those completions were swing passes or screens. Tackling on those plays wasn't perfect but mostly decent - I saw more missed tackles on those from LBs than from our DBs.
- After the embarrassment that was the Nebraska game, even though we gave up a fair number of yards here I didn't feel like our players were overmatched. They generally seemed to be in the right places (ie coaching), just too many missed tackles on key plays that prevented us from stopping drives, plus no help from the offense. I think this one was closer to the Rutgers game than the Nebraska game in terms of how the D played but against a much better opponent on both sides of the football.

Good win by Michigan, overall we got thoroughly outplayed on both sides of the ball. I think we have a reasonable chance against Minnesota though - especially if we can get Stephon Robinson and/or Andrew Marty back to give the offense a bit more life.

Go Cats!
I am concerned that a better QB would have hit a few of those downfield throws against us. Our guys were preening for the cameras after incomplete passes, but there were 2-3 longer passes downfield where a pass in the same zip code as the Michigan receiver would have resulted in a long gain. We will face about the same level or worse quality with Ioa, _isconsin and ILLLLLL QBs, but Morgan and PU QB are pretty decent and may exploit this. Heck, any FBS QB might hit 2 of 3 like that. Sky team is better than first few weeks but still has some work to do to clean up. Would help if safeties weren't so needed in run support.
Excellent comments by @ricko654321, the quality that we expect from you. Our offense has limited firepower, and early on we got some screens to work but they figured that out quickly. Jake didn't seem to want to mix it up much, and we didn't run the Wildcat once. Can't blame Hilinski because he was under constant pressure but as pointed out, he missed a few good opportunities. If He'Bert is healthy I'd like to see him given a chance at RT or RG.
Excellent comments by @ricko654321, the quality that we expect from you. Our offense has limited firepower, and early on we got some screens to work but they figured that out quickly. Jake didn't seem to want to mix it up much, and we didn't run the Wildcat once. Can't blame Hilinski because he was under constant pressure but as pointed out, he missed a few good opportunities. If He'Bert is healthy I'd like to see him given a chance at RT or RG.
haha I'll take that as a compliment, thanks.
I am concerned that a better QB would have hit a few of those downfield throws against us. Our guys were preening for the cameras after incomplete passes, but there were 2-3 longer passes downfield where a pass in the same zip code as the Michigan receiver would have resulted in a long gain. We will face about the same level or worse quality with Ioa, _isconsin and ILLLLLL QBs, but Morgan and PU QB are pretty decent and may exploit this. Heck, any FBS QB might hit 2 of 3 like that. Sky team is better than first few weeks but still has some work to do to clean up. Would help if safeties weren't so needed in run support.
Okay well a perfectly thrown ball still can usually beat a CB on a deep ball when he's on an island, but I didn't see any instances (out of 5-7 deep attempts maybe?) where our guy was clearly beat in 1 on 1 coverage. They were always within a step I believe. You aren't going to see that many perfectly thrown deep balls (ie not just on target but with precise ball location) at the college level.

As you allude to part of the problem is we need to commit a lot to contain the run against a team like Michigan. Will likely need to do so again against Minny.... so I expect to see a few more of those 1on1 deep balls. Hope the Sky Team holds up in coverage once more.
Offense first:
- OL struggled. Had a tough time, though against an admittedly very strong defensive front. The RT stuck out as getting beaten the most often, but in his defense he was up against Aidan Hutchinson a lot in 1 on 1. I would have liked to see us give him more help with a RB chip more often - but the problem is in passing situations Mich kept sending 5-6 guys so the RB was often needed to help take on an unblocked rusher elsewhere (still feels to me like we struggle with blitz pickup assignments, but Michigan D is pretty good at timing and disguising).
- Hull is what he is - not great agility to make yards where there isn't much space, but when he finds space he has good straight line speed. Without him we had nothing on offense all game. Honestly I would have liked to see more of Andrew Clair - thought his style of power running with better juking would have been best suited to the OL situation - ie lack of push up front and limited holes. Really having Justin Jackson back would have been best - he got extremely familiar with figuring out how to find 2-5 yards from plays that could have been 0 or negative...
- When Stephon Robinson went down we lacked a big playmaker. Malik Washington has definitely improved but that was a tough one. Because then there was no one that the Mich defense "feared" and so they felt free to repeatedly bring zero or single safety looks on blitzes. Hope Stephon is okay and can return soon.
- This is the same thing I said last week, but it was more apparent and much more of a problem against Michigan than the prior couple weeks. Hilinski is a very good QB when he gets time, but under pressure he struggles to make quick reads and then make "off platform" throws. With all the blitzes Mich brought, there were at least 3 situations where I saw guys open downfield (in some cases the commentators called it out) - and Hilinski failed to identify or hit them. If he doesn't do that (and without Stephon as the default first read for him to key on when the other team blitzes), there is nothing to dissuade Michigan (and other teams who will watch this tape and see the game plan) from repeated blitzing.
- The fact of the matter is the offense was overmatched here. If you remove the 75 yard run, we had 158 total yards on 54 plays, which is 2.9 ypp. Even including that play we had 233 yards on 55 plays for 4.2 ypp, with an even 4.2 ypp passing (133/16-32) and 4.3 ypp rushing (100/23). That's no way to get consistent ball movement and resulted in the defense tiring in the 2Q (H1 ToP was 22:55 to 7:05) and then again in the 2H (we ended at 39:19 to 20:41).

- Overall I didn't think the defense was too bad. Even though they gave up 33 they started out pretty well, just seemed to tire as the game went on due to being left on an island with no output and many 3 and outs from the offense. Although the reality is the point total could have been worse if Michigan's red zone execution was better, particularly in the first half.
- DL played better - seemed to hold the LoS pretty stoutly early on, but that fell off a bit as the game went on. Michigan ran for 294 yards on 54 carries (5.4 ypc), but a lot of that was after contact, or at the least after when a 2nd or 3rd level player should have gotten contact on him (see next point). I think yards til contact would have been in the ~2 range. The pass rush still was a struggle though - compared to Hilinski felt like their QB had about 2x the amount of time. The only sack came from B Jo.
- Tackling was the most notable issue. I know Corum is a really good RB but jeez we just missed too many clear tackles where we barely even got a finger on him - my count was at 9 by late-Q3 which was when I kind of gave up on it mentally. That was split about 50/50 between the LBs and the safeties, with at least 1 each from all three LBs (28, 32, 40) and at least one each from both safeties (16 and 0). I've grown to expect that from the LBs this year sadly, but honestly B Jo was the most disappointing - he still was flying around and athletic but I counted 3 clear missed tackles from him (I believe all on Corum?) so hope he can clean that up in future games.
- Secondary was strong throughout the game. They took several deep shots in 1-on-1 coverage and we were right there every time. One flag thrown on a 3rd down on a deep ball to the left side looked to me to be a downright bad call, no appreciable contact, that extended the drive and allowed Michigan to solidify their lead which was unfortunate (the second flag thrown on that drive for a grab was correct). But overall they were just 23-32 for 163 yards, only 5.1 ypp (lower than their running average!), and a lot of those completions were swing passes or screens. Tackling on those plays wasn't perfect but mostly decent - I saw more missed tackles on those from LBs than from our DBs.
- After the embarrassment that was the Nebraska game, even though we gave up a fair number of yards here I didn't feel like our players were overmatched. They generally seemed to be in the right places (ie coaching), just too many missed tackles on key plays that prevented us from stopping drives, plus no help from the offense. I think this one was closer to the Rutgers game than the Nebraska game in terms of how the D played but against a much better opponent on both sides of the football.

Good win by Michigan, overall we got thoroughly outplayed on both sides of the ball. I think we have a reasonable chance against Minnesota though - especially if we can get Stephon Robinson and/or Andrew Marty back to give the offense a bit more life.

Go Cats!
I can't think of any part of this analysis with which I would disagree. The offense was primarily responsible for this loss due to our inability to move the football. Michigan ran 31 more plays than NU.
Excellent comments by @ricko654321, the quality that we expect from you. Our offense has limited firepower, and early on we got some screens to work but they figured that out quickly. Jake didn't seem to want to mix it up much, and we didn't run the Wildcat once. Can't blame Hilinski because he was under constant pressure but as pointed out, he missed a few good opportunities. If He'Bert is healthy I'd like to see him given a chance at RT or RG.

Was surprised we didn’t see the Wildcat more. Tyus and Clair both not involved much on Saturday.
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Was surprised we didn’t see the Wildcat more. Tyus and Clair both not involved much on Saturday.
Maybe they figured it wouldn't work, which very well could have been correct. But given nothing else was working really... perhaps when Fitz & co saw the long Hull run they thought he was the guy to ride? Also maybe being behind on the scoreboard pushed us into more of a throw-first mentality, though that's not necessarily consistent with usual Fitz or what I saw in terms of play calling later in the game. Feels like it would have been worth a try.
Okay well a perfectly thrown ball still can usually beat a CB on a deep ball when he's on an island, but I didn't see any instances (out of 5-7 deep attempts maybe?) where our guy was clearly beat in 1 on 1 coverage. They were always within a step I believe. You aren't going to see that many perfectly thrown deep balls (ie not just on target but with precise ball location) at the college level.

As you allude to part of the problem is we need to commit a lot to contain the run against a team like Michigan. Will likely need to do so again against Minny.... so I expect to see a few more of those 1on1 deep balls. Hope the Sky Team holds up in coverage once more.
I am fine with the “preening” by the sky team. They were NU’s best unit last week.
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He's a big kid and he hits like a truck. Pretty sure we will have a place for him going forward, even after bowling ball Porter returns.

I’ve long felt that place should be at linebacker, but doubt we see anything that drastic absent some transfer or high school additions to the RB room.
Not really, it’s just pretty painfully obvious.
It’s a bit concerning our coaches went into game 1 with Hunter as qb1, Tyus as rb1 and a new defensive scheme that failed miserably.

We are hopefully past that, but damage has been done.
He's a big kid and he hits like a truck. Pretty sure we will have a place for him going forward, even after bowling ball Porter returns.
I agree, he's still unproven and the sample size is small.
Maybe they figured it wouldn't work, which very well could have been correct. But given nothing else was working really... perhaps when Fitz & co saw the long Hull run they thought he was the guy to ride? Also maybe being behind on the scoreboard pushed us into more of a throw-first mentality, though that's not necessarily consistent with usual Fitz or what I saw in terms of play calling later in the game. Feels like it would have been worth a try.
I don’t think there’s a true Wildcat package in the playbook. It’s always “let the quarterback stand as far away from contact as possible and run to daylight”. It would absolutely be fun (though probably not effective) to see Clair have an option to hand to Washington in jet motion.

(That Darren McFadden Arkansas team is probably the non-NU team I’ve most enjoyed watching in the last 20 years.)
He’s not running behind the Hogs. I think he will be fine when he gets into a role that wears folks down. 5 months out of HS, the best is to come.

I have always been impressed with how much development there is in running backs as they go through their career. Since they have the ball and all eyes follow them, their improvement is more obvious than say linemen. I suspect Tyus will be the same although I do like the idea of putting him at LB if this turns out to be his best position.