Barret Benson to...SIU?

Clyde the glide?

Yes. Also Chico Vaughn, who used to (and maybe still does) hold the all time high school scoring record for Illinois. I saw Chico play with Lenny Wilkins and Bob Pettit for the Hawks in the mid ‘60’s.
I get hes graduating from NU but he can get his Master payed for at any number of places and play ball. SIU? Sorry I know I sound like an elitist pr... but why?
Braden Jones from the football team also transferred there, played a bit, and spent some time on the Vikings squad as a TE.

Last I heard he eventually went to medical school and became a doctor. So it’s not quite the black hole educationally that some posters are making it out to be.

Good luck BB. We’ll all miss your hair and positive attitude during your time as a Wildcat.
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