Big Ten ineligible freshman

You mean, it'll make NU, along with the rest of the B1G and other schools that'll do this, much much less attractive
This is the Northwestern Wildcats Football Board. If you haven't got wishful thinking, your posts will all be negative.
Unless the rest of the power conferences all agree to do this then this would be a colossal mistake. Every other school would use it against us. I guarantee you the SEC or ACC is not thinking about doing this. Imagine how bad we would have been this past year without Justin Jackson. Chris Collins would not even be able to field a team without freshmen. I wonder what the economic impact of having to pay tuition for a bunch of 5th year seniors.
Originally posted by ajr938:
Unless the rest of the power conferences all agree to do this then this would be a colossal mistake. Every other school would use it against us. I guarantee you the SEC or ACC is not thinking about doing this. Imagine how bad we would have been this past year without Justin Jackson. Chris Collins would not even be able to field a team without freshmen. I wonder what the economic impact of having to pay tuition for a bunch of 5th year seniors. would put B1G behind the 8-ball on recruiting.

...but what ever happened to the NCAA proposals to institute new academic standards for incoming freshmen?? As I recall, there was a proposal on the table to prohibit incoming freshmen from even participating in practices contingent on high school GPA and test scores. It was something like a 2.5 high school GPA just to practice as a true freshman, and like a 2.75 to actually be able to play. Does anyone else remember this, or know what happened to it?
I think it's less of a problem at NU where freshmen coming in are pretty bright and can handle the academics while playing as freshmen. Remember that Fitz also considers more than just their athletic ability when he decides to redshirt a player...factors like how well they have adjusted to being away from home, their ability to learn quickly, etc.

I think it would really suck for basketball players who oftentimes come in more competent at their game than their football playing classmates. They don't have the physical maturity issues and the physical demands placed on them that freshman football players might have.

Yes, it would definitely hurt the Big Ten in recruiting! No, NU will not get any benefit from this because precocious players will go to other conferences. NU should want freshmen to play and strive to land more kids who are freshmen ready.
Amen, pawildcat. BIG going it alone on this one would be recruiting suicide! Won't happen unless everyone does it..
I took it the same way as this will be an all our nothing kind of way OSU or Michigan would allow a recruiting handicap like this.
College football would never do this unless the NFL agreed not to take Juniors. Of course that would creat a whole host of other legal issues.
Not just that but FB players start before they even attend a class. With BB, at least they get a chance to get their feet under them
Originally posted by hdhntr1:
Not just that but FB players start before they even attend a class. With BB, at least they get a chance to get their feet under them
I'm not sure which is harder to do...getting your feet under you athletically or academically your freshman year.
I was really excited about this change when it was approved . I thought it would be great for NU, but about a year before it was supposed to go into effect the D-I members changed their minds. I can't remember whether it was officially suspended or whether it was rescinded, but I think it is dead.
Originally posted by ajr938:
Unless the rest of the power conferences all agree to do this then this would be a colossal mistake. Every other school would use it against us. I guarantee you the SEC or ACC is not thinking about doing this. Imagine how bad we would have been this past year without Justin Jackson. Chris Collins would not even be able to field a team without freshmen. I wonder what the economic impact of having to pay tuition for a bunch of 5th year seniors.
Totally agree


all true fresh men (& women)

are required to red shirt


then have 4 years of eligibility


the NBA would draft 2nd year freshmen.


the NFL & MLB

would draft 4th year juniors.

My least concern. As a proponent of the union movement (and anti union in general), until the day comes of appropriate compensation then I support holding fresh from playing and guaranteeing 4 year scholarships (5 under this system).