Lacrosse Beats Syracuse in OT 16-15

What a comeback! 'Cats down by 3 with 3 1/2 minutes left, came back to tie it to send it to OT. Great home crowd. Great atmosphere. Lot of football players present.

Always nice to beat Syracuse.

Not looking a gift horse in the mouth but at the game did they announce exactly what the call was that gave Gilbert the game winning FPS?? The TV broadcast was no help as even the announcers were unclear on call (and no replay).
Not that I recall. The officiating was often opaque, and this sure qualified. Not that I’m complaining.

Edit: After watching the dvr replay over and over, I still could not see what precipitated the call. There was no defender near Gilbert. Unlesss there was a penalty on the defensive alignment inside the 8 meter arc.
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I followed men's lacrosse closely when my son was playing at UVA and MLL but the women's game always mystified me. I did not know the rules and considered the game to be so dependent on the referee awarding free shots for mysterious reasons-"shooting space etc. The improved ladies' stick technology has aided the game immensely in recent years. NU's success/influence has allowed increased physicality also. If I had my choice to see the Baltimore MIAA championship or the women's NCAA title game, I would go to the HS game. I just think lacrosse was designed to be a physical contest, not the Victorian English version played by the women
Not that I recall. The officiating was often opaque, and this sure qualified. Not that I’m complaining.

Edit: After watching the dvr replay over and over, I still could not see what precipitated the call. There was no defender near Gilbert. Unlesss there was a penalty on the defensive alignment inside the 8 meter arc.
Tuened out it was a 3 second call, no one on Syracuse covered ("marked") Gilbert for three seconds and she was in the circle. That's a no-no though it's one of those item rarely called, especially in OT.
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