No Moose for Selection Sunday, a Light Show Instead


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Gold Member
Dec 29, 2005
In 1893 basketball began to be played on some college campuses for the first time. (The game itself had just been invented two years prior by P.E. Teacher James Naismith.)

In that same year of 1893, Chicago hosted the 1893 World's Columbia Exhibition and one of its crowning achievements was the world's first Ferris Wheel built by Carson City, Nevada native George Ferris, jr. (His childhood home is a historic site today in Carson City.)

With this nebulous connection between Northwestern as Chicago's College Team, the history of college basketball, and the Ferris Wheel, it has to be a good omen that I just viewed, although not a moose, a spectacular Ferris Wheel light show here in Yokohama Japan.

Here is my just posted YouTube video for any who want to share the experience. (The first minute Is of the Yokohama night view looking out toward Tokyo Bay and then it transitions into a full five minute light show.)

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I’m just curious - do you ever go out looking for them before a big game? I know they’re nasty and you don’t want to get too close, but some sacrifices are worth it! :)