20 years ago today (well, tonight)

Wait, this thread isn't about the Beatles?

What a win for Randy Walker and the Wildcats.

How many coaches would have kicked the winning field goal in OT from the 5 yard line? Not Walker!
Punch it into the endzone and make sure the Buckeyes couldn't whine about Nugent missing his field goal in OT.

Regrettably, I was not there.
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My Dad and I were there. Second best game ever seen in person. Mich/nu was the best. When we won with Kustok at qb. I am a nu fan/alum...and after both wins, I was shocked and literally close to crying as well in joy
My dad (who lives in Cleveland) and I were there, too. Also at the Municipal Stadium game. The 2004 one was more fun.
I was there.
Me too. Had visions of Woody coming back to life to punch somebody when Noah went straight up the gut untouched for the winning points. Had to be the ultimate insult to his legacy.

Cats dominated the LOS on both sides all night. Something that for many years I was certain I would never see. And Baz was special.

Who was there?

Full game:


#33, on his 33rd carry of the day, scores the 33rd point for NU to beat OSU for the first time in 33 years.
I remember it like it was yesterday. My buddy and I, then in HS, bought tickets from the older Asian scalper, who I knew from NU and Cubs game, in a handicapped seats (not sure how?) and then rushed the field after the win. Was amazing!
Was there also. What a great night. Herron was a bull all night. And that OL man could we use them now. Ulrich, Ndukwe, Rees, Big Zach Strief and Trai Essex who had one of the greatest blocks by a NU lineman on Basanez's run in OT.
RW sure could put an offense together.
Ended up on the field at the 50 yd line and remember looking at the press box and just thinking man this is something else.
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I was in the stands. Probably best sporting event I've ever attended.

I still remember the Ohio State fans leaving and acting as if they had just attended a funeral.
I was at a Sports Bar in Alaska surrounded by Ohio State Fans. The place was eerily silent.
I was in the stands with an NU buddy surrounded by - you guessed it - Ohio State fans. I believe we were 1-3 going into that game.

Then on the walk back to campus we were again surrounded by Scarlet and Grey.

Then we hit a bar. Same thing. Two purple dots in a sea of Scarlet and Grey. I turned to my friend - both of us happily married middle aged men with families - and asked:

Does this mean we get to take their women?

We toasted to that barbaric thought and had a great laugh. The cruel mongrels from the Buckeye state had been conquered in trench warfare by a small but powerful band of nerds led by one of their own native sons.

God bless Randy Walker.

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