After reading Lou's article about retaining Collins it struck me that not enough has been made about CCC being a home town guy and a former BB MR Illinois.
While I think that the "Chicago's B1G Team" strategy is admirable, I wonder if it should really major on Basket Ball. It seems to me with NIL $$ what it is and Collins being who he is, NU could put more energy and money into recruiting Chicago area players. What if 60% or 70% of the team was from the Chicago area? It would take a lot fewer local fans to fill the new BB arena than the football stadium. Over time, if we had enough HS stars whose fans could follow them up into Evanston to see them play the fan base might grow.
While I think that the "Chicago's B1G Team" strategy is admirable, I wonder if it should really major on Basket Ball. It seems to me with NIL $$ what it is and Collins being who he is, NU could put more energy and money into recruiting Chicago area players. What if 60% or 70% of the team was from the Chicago area? It would take a lot fewer local fans to fill the new BB arena than the football stadium. Over time, if we had enough HS stars whose fans could follow them up into Evanston to see them play the fan base might grow.