Big ten coach of the year

Well deserved. Brought in Coach Lowery and changed the defense and everyone bought in. Great coaching job by CCC this year as he knew we needed a change and let it happen.
Taking NU twice to the dance 💃. YES SIR. Way to go coach.
Just incredible. Being a fan of this program has sucked so much, but when it’s good, it’s so so so sweet. Thrilled for him & the staff.

Also, I can’t believe the refs did this to Purdue.
I love how, right after his immediate joyous reaction, he quickly shares the credit with his assistants - "This is not a coaching award, this is a coaching staff award."

From time to time, we may have critiques of his coaching decisions, but it's hard not to root for the guy when he does things like this. Just the type of personality and character we love at NU. Congrats!
lol meanwhile check out the official Purdue Twitter account, @BoilerBall. Liking tweets of salty Purdue fans mad about Painter not getting Coach of the Year.
