Collins post-game press conference

lou v

Aug 27, 2004
Chris Collins was clearly not happy with the officiating last night, pointing out the huge free throw disparity. He also took a shot at them at the end, saying Thompson didn’t even get called when he was trying to foul BMac on the last possession.

There’s a bit of a kerfluffle because Collins claimed Pardon was getting stitches from an elbow he took from Haas, and InsideNU is reporting that Pardon didn’t get stitches.

Here’s the video:

A coach him out of the program
Maybe not even that...maybe after the elbow a trainer said "Dererk's bleeding, might need stitches"...and then he ended up not needing stitches and Collins never got the memo. Maybe a trainer was checking out Dererk's lip/mouth as Collins was leaving to go do the conference and Collins just assumed.

There are multiple possibilities, but no. He must have lied, and it's probably indicative of some sort of deeply ingrained character flaw, per the iNU peanut gallery. I mean, after all, Collins is far from squeaky clean...

Maybe collins needs to focus on changing who takes the last shot. Its not working. Bmac has self destructed with 5 turnovers in the last 2 minutes of our 2 big games.
C’mon, it was an in-the-moment comment and I’m sure Collins thought he was getting stitches. Maybe they used superglue instead. Maybe he got stiches. Maybe they stopped the bleeding and wanted to wait until the swelling decreased. It’s irrelevant unless you really think Collins is not being truthful. That’s ridiculous imo, but is your prerogative. If you believe that’s the case go back to your msg board and whine to someone who cares.

P.S. Great effort by both teams, pretty good officiating, and you won. Enjoy it.
C’mon, it was an in-the-moment comment and I’m sure Collins thought he was getting stitches. Maybe they used superglue instead. Maybe he got stiches. Maybe they stopped the bleeding and wanted to wait until the swelling decreased. It’s irrelevant unless you really think Collins is not being truthful. That’s ridiculous imo, but is your prerogative. If you believe that’s the case go back to your msg board and whine to someone who cares.

P.S. Great effort by both teams, pretty good officiating, and you won. Enjoy it.
Sorry guys, I thought I was replying to a Purdue fan posting.
Now that I've seen the play, given Dererk's reaction to the elbow. I would not be surprised if he needed stitches. He is a tough customer who hardly reacts to anything; witness the fracture last year when I thought he was actually going to go back into the game...
Now that I've seen the play, given Dererk's reaction to the elbow. I would not be surprised if he needed stitches. He is a tough customer who hardly reacts to anything; witness the fracture last year when I thought he was actually going to go back into the game...
What point in the second half was it?

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